Annual Communication of Progress

The Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP) are reports submitted by RSPO Members to gauge their progress towards 100% RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil. These reports are mandatory for Ordinary and Affiliate members, and are submitted each year.

ACOP allows RSPO to not only assess a member’s individual progress publicly, but also to identify and respond to issues and trends that are emerging through data analysis. The ACOP process also allows each and every stakeholder group to gain a better understanding of their distinctive role within the RSPO.

ACOP Analysis Dashboard

Member ACOP Reports

Browse all members or use the filters below.

Company / Organisation
Maha Chemicals (Asia) Pte Ltd
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
Makani Sp z o.o.
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
Malaysian Biodiesel Association (MBA)
(Organisations, Affiliate)
(Oil Palm Growers, Ordinary)
Malviala Oy
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
Mamee – Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
Mandom Corporation
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Mann & Schröder GmbH
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Manorama Industries Limited
(Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders, Ordinary)
Mansfields Pty Ltd
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Manuchar NV
(Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders, Ordinary)
Mapak Edible Oils (Private) Limited
(Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders, Ordinary)
Maple Donuts, INC
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Margarine Thibault inc.
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Mariani Packing Company., Inc.
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Marine Olie Handel Maatschappij B.V.
(Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders, Ordinary)
Marks and Spencer plc
(Retailers, Ordinary)
Marlow Foods Limited t/a Quorn Foods
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Mars, Incorporated
(Consumer Goods Manufacturers, Ordinary)
Marston Foods Limited
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)
Martin & Servera Aktiebolag
(Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders, Ordinary)
(Supply Chain Associate, Associate)


The Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP) is a self-reporting mechanism carried out by individual RSPO member companies. It is intended to be a public statement of a member’s progress and commitment to help achieve RSPO’s vision of making sustainable palm oil the norm. Data contained within ACOP reports should only be used to assess progress and commitment at an individual member level. Due to reporting complexities (e.g. members with integrated operations reporting across multiple ACOP categories, consistency in conversion of palm oil derivatives/fractions into CSPO or CSPKO equivalents, etc.), volume data in ACOP should not be aggregated by membership category or across categories. The RSPO Secretariat performs an in-depth analysis of raw ACOP data, with additional information from available RSPO audited/supply chain data, to ascertain an indicative view of the supply chain to a higher degree of accuracy, and is published in the ACOP Digest.

As ACOP is a self-reporting mechanism, the accuracy of the data is the sole responsibility of the reporting member. ACOP reports are presumed to be truthful and complete upon submission. The RSPO Secretariat verifies each submitted report to the best of its ability to enhance accuracy. Clarifications on the data published in a member’s ACOP report should be directed to the individual member or can be facilitated through the RSPO Secretariat.