The Shared Responsibility Dashboards
The uptake target performance and average Shared Responsibility scores of all members can be found in the dashboards below.
CSPO Uptake Target performance dashboard (1)
The overall trend on supply chain actors meeting their annual RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) percentage point uptake target can be found in the dashboard, ‘1. CSPO Uptake Target’. The annual CSPO uptake target is the percentage increase of CSPO volumes relative to the total palm oil volume between two years (baseline and current year). This is a step-by-step approach for RSPO Members to move towards 100% CSPO uptake.
For example, Retailers had a CSPO uptake target of 12% in 2022. Therefore, their percentage of CSPO volume related to their total palm oil volumes was expected to have increased by 12% between 2021 and 2022.
Each diamond shape represents one RSPO Member and the colour of the diamond shape shows the member’s performance.
Shared Responsibility Scores dashboards (2 and 3)
The overall average Shared Responsibility score for all sectors can be found in the dashboards ‘2. Scores P&T, CGM and Ret’ and ‘3. Scores B&I and NGO’. By using the filter on the top right of the dashboard, you can shift between the different thematic area scores.