Incentivise smallholders to earn premiums

The RSPO Independent Smallholder (ISH) Credits market incentivises RSPO Certified Independent Smallholders to earn premiums for their sustainability efforts, regardless of their location or plot size. This makes the RSPO ISH Credit market more sustainable and inclusive.

If your customers are concerned about the negative effects of palm oil production, trading in RSPO Credits is a good place to start. One RSPO Credit is proof that one tonne of palm oil was produced by an RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil producer and has entered the global RSPO palm oil supply chain. Purchasing Credits is an important first step towards worldwide sustainable palm oil production as it contributes to creating a critical high demand for sustainable palm oil products globally. This growing demand, in turn, allows for increased investment in making the palm oil supply chain more traceable, transparent and sustainable overall. By purchasing Credits through prisma by RSPO, buyers encourage the production of RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil.

Current market trades

View the latest CSPO and CSPKO on market trades.

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RSPO Credits explained

What are Credits and what function do they have.

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I am a buyer

Find out how to buy RSPO Credits in order to offset your palm oil use in a flexible manner.

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Please email the RSPO Smallholder Team.

Photo Credit: RSPO/Jonathan Perugia