Why supporting smallholders is important
At the RSPO, we strongly support smallholders. We help them improve their livelihoods by building the capacity of sustainable agriculture practices on their farms.
Today, more than 7 million smallholders around the world make a living from oil palm. In Malaysia and Indonesia alone, smallholdings represent approximately 40% of the total area for oil palm production.
As the name suggests, smallholder plantations are small-scale, with planted oil palm areas of less than 50 hectares. Under RSPO Certification, smallholders can grow oil palm independently, as part of an Independent Smallholder Group or as part of a Smallholder Scheme. They have the potential to make a significant impact to our shared mission to transform oil palm production and procurement into a sustainable industry.

How you can support smallholders
Strengthen capacity to become certified
Smallholders need help from third parties to strengthen their capacity to gain their 2019 RSPO Independent Smallholder (ISH) Standard certification. Downstream players such as Consumer Goods Manufacturers or retailers can support these efforts.
If your organization is able to support smallholders, please connect on the RSPO Smallholder Engagement Platform (RSEP). RSEP connects smallholders seeking potential financial or non-financial support around the world with potential partners to help them with their project.
Empower through RSPO Smallholder Credits
You can help smallholders become included in the sustainable supply chain by purchasing RSPO Smallholders Credits. These help smallholders sharpen their focus on environmental and social sustainability in their oil palm management activities.
Provide financial assistance
To encourage smallholders to achieve certification, we provide financial assistance through the RSPO Smallholder Support Fund (RSSF). Since its inception in 2013, the RSSF has provided funding to programmes supporting 30,379 smallholders across five major oil palm producing regions: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Africa and Latin America.
Support smallholder training
We help smallholders build their capacity by providing high-quality training, training guides, practical tools, and advice on agricultural best practices, amongst other things. The STA aims to build a global community of master trainers and help smallholders move towards more sustainable livelihoods.
Source: Market Data, June 2022