The Shared Responsibility Scorecard shows where organisations are in their sustainability journey based on RSPO’s Shared Responsibility (SR) framework.
The SR framework and its requirements are applicable to Processors and Traders (P&T), Consumer Goods Manufacturers (CGM), Retailers, Banks and Financial Institutions, Environmental NGOs, and Social NGOs.
By implementing the SR requirements, members demonstrate sustainability leadership in each of their sectors. The SR requirements reflect the unique roles of each sector, covering different thematic areas: Transparency and Legality, Social, Environmental and Resourcing. Moreover, those members under the category of Processor and Traders, Consumer Good Manufacturers and Retailers are required to fulfil the Uptake target requirement. The scores are tabulated based on members’ self-reported public commitments in MyRSPO and ACOP, and are an indication as to where members are in their sustainable palm oil journey. Scores range between 0 and 10, 10 being the maximum score (see full methodology here). Scores are updated as of February 2025 (extraordinary update), being annually updated each September.
Total organisations
Organisations with scores over 8.5
Combined average score across all members
Sectors involved
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Last updated February 2024
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Click on member’s profile to see their public commitments in line with the Shared Responsibility (SR) requirements
Member profile* The smaller figures indicate the % of the 2023 CSPO Uptake achieved by the different supply chain models.
Email our Shared Responsibility Team.