Board of Governors
The RSPO is managed by a Board of Governors comprised of 16 members, designated by the General Assembly for two (2) years.
To ensure an efficient and progressive management, the Board of Governors is supported by four (4) Standing Committees. Each Standing Committee is comprised of members from the Board of Governors (including Alternate Board of Governors) as well as RSPO Members. The Board of Governors is also supported by advisors.
The first Board of Governors was elected at the inaugural General Assembly held on 6 October 2004. Through staggered voting, within each sector, half the Board of Governors is re-elected every year, at the Annual General Assembly of members of the members of the assembly. When a seat is due for election any member in good standing from the particular sector may offer themselves to be elected. Incumbents may offer themselves for re-election or may continue if there are no nominations within their respective categories for the Board of Governor seats.
* Malaysia, Indonesia, Smallholders, rest of world.
Board of Governors

Anne Rosenbarger (Co-chair)
Global Engagement Manager, Commodities and Finance, WRI

José Roberto Montenegro Baide (Co-chair)
President, Foresta Foods Corporation;
General Manage, AgroCaribe

Tim Stephenson (Vice-chair/Treasurer)
President, Global Sourcing & Trading, AAK AB

Ku Kok Peng
Malaysian Palm OIl Association (MPOA);
Chief Sustainability Officer, Kuala Lumpur Kepong (KLK) Berhad

Olivier Tichit
Director of Sustainability, Musim Mas

Kuan-Chun Lee
Principal Scientist, Procter & Gamble

Julian Walker-Palin
Representative & Facilitator, Retailers’ Palm Oil Group

Paul Wolvekamp
Deputy Director, Both ENDS

Marcus Colchester
Senior Policy Advisor, Forest Peoples Programme

Martin Huxtable
Director Sustainable Sourcing, Unilever

Kamal Prakash Seth
Global Palm Oil Lead, World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) International

Narno Sayoto Irontiko
Manager, Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Amanah

JT Lee
Director, Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM), Sustainable Finance Team, Standard Chartered Bank

Anita Neville
Chief Sustainability & Communications Officer, Golden Agri-Resources
Advisors to the Board of Governors

M.R. Chandran
Honorary Member

Prof. Bungaran Saragih
Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
Alternate Board of Governance

Harry Brock
Chief Executive Officer, Univanich

Dr. Surina Ismail
Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA), Group Head of Sustainability, IOI Corporation Bhd

Harjinder Kler
HUTAN – Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme (KOCP)

Mohamad Fadhil Hasan PhD
Corporate Affairs Director, PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri Group)

Sander Van den Ende
Regional Director of Environment & Conservation Department, SIPEF

Eleanor Spencer
Palm Oil Technical Advisor, Business and Biodiversity Programme, Zoological Society of London (ZSL)

Quentin Meunier
VP, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Olam Gabon – Plantations

Nursanna Marpaung
Secretary General, Federasi Serikat Buruh Kehutanan, Perkebunan dan Pertanian Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (Hukatan)

Rukaiyah Rafik
Advisor, Koperasi Produsen Tanjung Sehati Lestari

Mario Abreu
Head of CSR and Sustainability, Ferrero

Bernadinus Steni
Chairman and Executive Secretary, Kaleka

Laila Wilfred
Sustainable Sourcing – Palm, Cargill Incorporated

Imogen Jamie
Associate Director, Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM), Sustainable Finance Team, Standard Chartered Bank

Sougata Niyogi
Chief Executive Officer, Oil Palm Business, Godrej Agrovet Limited

Lawrence Kwame Quarshie
Sustainability Coordinator, Golden Star Oil Palm Plantations Limited (GSOPP)

Pedro Seijas Cardenas
Group Manager, Association of Monte Alegre Neshuya Producers (APROMAN)