RSPO roadshow in South Sumatera – Indonesia
RSPO is organising a series of event on March 29 – 30, 2017 in Palembang, South Sumatera Indonesia to improve the understanding and share the latest information on developments and dynamics of…

Training for Growers on relevant RSPO Guidance and Best Management Practise in relation to Carbon, Greenhouse Gas and Peatlands
RSPO is organizing a 3-day workshop including field visit for growers that would like to know more about the RSPO compliancy in relation to Carbon, Greenhouse Gases and Peatlands. The workshop will…

RSPO Supply Chain Certification Training Course – Johor Bahru, Malaysia (Update)
The course focuses on the application of RSPO SCC systems and audit practice requirements to ensure consistent and appropriate audit decision making. It covers key topics including: The requirements of different supply chain…

RSPO is organising a series of event on 8 & 9 February, 2017 in Samarinda, East Kalimantan Indonesia to improve the understanding and share the latest information on developments and dynamics of…

From January 2017 onwards, the Book and Claim supply chain model will be handled in RSPO PalmTrace*, like the physical supply chain models of the RSPO (IP, SG and MB). Mills, independent…

RSPO-Endorsed RSPO Supply Chain Training Courses 2017 – Netherlands
Companies that wish to purchase, process and to sell any RSPO-certified Palm Oil-derived products must be audited and certified by an RSPO accredited certification body. They have to demonstrate 100% compliance with…

RSPO is organising a series of event on January 17 – 18, 2017 in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia to improve the understanding and share the latest information on developments and dynamics of sustainable…

Training for growers on relevant RSPO guidance and Best Management Practices in relation to Carbon, Greenhouse Gases and Peatlands
RSPO is organizing a two day workshop for growers on relevant RSPO guidance and Best Management Practices in relation to Carbon, Greenhouse Gases and Peatlands. The workshop will be held from…

RSPO eTrace Workshop for Certification Bodies
In this training session, certification bodies will learn about the Book & Claim marketplace in RSPO eTrace. From January 2017 onwards, the Book & Claim supply chain model will be handled in…
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