Endorsed RSPO P&C 2018 Lead Auditor Course : CheckMark Training (Indonesia)
CheckMark Training is proud to offer this RSPO-endorsed 6-days training, which is open to RSPO P&C Auditors, Oil Palm Growers and to anyone else who wishes to learn more about RSPO certification.…

RSPO Supply Chain Certification Lead auditor courses (by CheckMark Training)
Introduction to our Flexible Training Dates. Since starting On-line RSPO SCC Lead Auditor Training, we have been able to assist delegates from remote locations who have been unable to attend classroom courses in the…

RSPO-Endorsed SCC 2020 Lead Auditor Course (CheckMark Training)
In view of the current uncertainty due to the COVID-19 outbreaks, the Training Committee of the RSPO secretariat has agreed to allow the SCC Lead Auditor (LA) course to be conducted virtually.…

RSPO Credits – a good start for your sustainable journey (Chinese)
Join us for an engaging webinar on how RSPO Credits can kick-start your sustainable sourcing journey in a cost-effective way and help you to communicate with consumers on the efforts you are…

Webinar: Book & Claim Supply Chain Model (RSPO Credits)
The Book and Claim supply chain model supports the production of RSPO certified sustainable oil palm (CSPO) products through the sale of RSPO Credits. It allows RSPO certified mills, crushers, independent out-growers,…

The Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue Europe
Together with the European Palm Oil Alliance (EPOA) and IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative, RSPO is pleased to announce that the 'Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue – Europe: Addressing the Challenges of 2020…

Webinar Sessions on RSPO Standards
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and movement restriction orders enforced throughout many countries, physical training sessions that were planned by the RSPO Secretariat for members have to be adjourned and postponed until…

North America Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue Goes Virtual
The North America Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue, which was postponed due to COVID-19, will now be held virtually from 16 to 18 June 2020, 1:00pm-3:00pm Eastern Time (ET). Join industry leaders and…

Webinar: Supply Chain Certification Standard 2020
The RSPO Secretariat invites members and stakeholders to join a webinar on key changes to the recently endorsed RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard (2020). Split into two sessions, we will address clarifications and…
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