RSPO – Endorsed RSPO SCC 2013 Lead auditors course (February) – Checkmark: Sao Paulo (Brasil)
Este curso está diseñado para los siguientes participantes: 1. Auditores que tienen la intención de convertirse en Auditor Líder de CSS RSPO. 2. Auditores principales de CSS RSPO calificados que requieren un…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO P&C 2018 Lead auditors course (April) – Checkmark: Belém (Brasil)
Este curso de capacitación de 5 días avalado por la RSPO, está abierto a los Auditores de P&C de RSPO, organismos de certificación, productores de palma aceitera y cualquier otra persona que…

WEBINAR: RSPO Jurisdictional Approach to Certification – Second Draft
After the first round of public consultations for the Jurisdictional Approach (JA) to Certification, held last year from June to August 2019, the Jurisdictional Working Group (JWG) has revised the JA Certification…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO P&C 2018 Lead auditors course (April) – Checkmark: Cote d’ivoire (Abidjan)
This RSPO-endorsed 5-day training course, is open to RSPO P&C Auditors, Oil Palm Growers and to anyone else who wishes to learn more about RSPO certification. This course provides auditors with clear…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO SCC 2013 Lead auditors course (April) – Checkmark: Barcelona
This 2-day course is designed for the following delegates: 1. Auditors who have the intention to become an RSPO SCC Lead Auditor 2. Qualified RSPO SCC Lead Auditors requiring a refresher course…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO P&C 2018 Lead auditors course (March) – Checkmark: Indonesia (Medan)
This RSPO-endorsed 5-day training course, is open to RSPO P&C Auditors, Oil Palm Growers and to anyone else who wishes to learn more about RSPO certification. This course provides auditors with clear…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO P&C 2018 Lead auditors course (March) – Checkmark: Malaysia (Sabah)
This RSPO-endorsed 5-day training course, is open to RSPO P&C Auditors, Oil Palm Growers and to anyone else who wishes to learn more about RSPO certification. This course provides auditors with clear…

RSPO – Endorsed RSPO SCC 2013 Lead auditors course (March) – Checkmark: Putrajaya (Malaysia)
This 2-day course is designed for the following delegates: 1. Auditors who have the intention to become an RSPO SCC Lead Auditor 2. Qualified RSPO SCC Lead Auditors requiring a refresher course…

8th RSPO Latin American Conference- March 3-5 2020
RSPO’s 8th Latin American Conference, to be held from 3-5 March 2020 in Campeche, Mexico will bring together experts from various topics to provide unique insights into the sustainable palm oil sector.…
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