Associate Membership

Associates are any organisations that are active in the supply chain of RSPO certified sustainable palm oil and purchase less than 500 metric tonnes of oil palm products per year.

Supply Chain Associate

Entities that are involved in the palm oil supply chain with activities relating to any of the sectors.


  • Supply Chain Associate: EUR 100

Documents required

  • Proof of business registration (e.g. certificate of incorporation, certificate of good standing, articles of incorporation or other similar documents)
  • A signed copy of the Supply Chain Associates Agreement

Additional information/documents required:

  • Latest annual report or shareholder documents for subsidiary inclusion in Group Membership

Supply Chain Group Manager

Separate entities that each use up to 500 metric tonnes of oil palm products and formally agree to join a group under the direction of a Group Manager. The Group Manager as an entity shall apply for membership.


  • Supply Chain Group Manager: EUR 100

Documents required

  • Proof of business registration (e.g. certificate of incorporation, certificate of good standing, articles of incorporation or other similar documents)
  • A signed copy of the Supply Chain Group Manager Agreement

Group Membership

If an organisation has a parent company and/or subsidiaries involved in activities related to the palm oil supply chain, the parent company should apply for membership with the RSPO and shall represent all companies within its group.

Subsidiary means an Entity where the Parent:

  • Holds (whether as a legal owner or as beneficiary) more than half of the issued share capital of that Entity (excluding any part thereof which consists of preference shares);
  • Controls more than half of the voting power of that Entity; or
  • Controls the composition of the board of directors of that Entity.

The parent company is responsible for declaring all subsidiaries involved in the palm oil supply chain. This ensures that:

  • The accountability towards compliance of RSPO Standards, processes, or reporting are directed at the parent company;
  • By declaring subsidiaries, it ensures effective compliance of RSPO requirements on all of the company’s holdings; and
  • It also ensures that all certifications and licences are correctly issued to companies under the parent company membership.

Whilst group membership extends to a company’s listed subsidiaries, certification and licences must be applied for separately.