Greenhouse Gas Task Force (GHGTF)


The first RSPO Greenhouse Gas Working Group (GHGWG) was established in May 2009 as an RSPO multi-stakeholder effort to identify, evaluate, and develop potential mechanisms to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the palm oil sector. This effort led to the creation of the first PalmGHG calculator, launched in 2012 as an MS Excel-based tool. In 2016, the calculator was upgraded to desktop software versions 2.1.1 and 3.0. In 2018, PalmGHG Version 4 was introduced as a web-based platform, which remains in use today. The calculator enables RSPO Units of Certification to comply with the RSPO Principles and Criteria (RSPO P&C) by  identifying, monitoring, and assessing GHG emissions from upstream palm oil production. 

In 2022, following requests from RSPO Members, the GHGWG was reactivated in August 2022 with the objective of revising the current RSPO PalmGHG Version 4 for usability and relevance. As part of its assessment, the GHGWG2 conducted a gap analysis, comparing PalmGHG Version 4 with other relevant or reference GHG calculators and exploring the feasibility of extending the scope of PalmGHG to incorporate downstream activities. As its focus evolved, the GHGWG2 prioritised its development of PalmGHG Version 5 to align with applicable international frameworks, such as the available standards under GHG Protocol. 

The newly updated PalmGHG Version 5 calculator will be integrated into prisma, RSPO’s new digital platform for managing palm oil certification, trade, and traceability. Following the completion of the PalmGHG Version 5 design and specification, the GHGWG2 proposed to extend its scope and continue to address climate-related matters as expectations and requirements evolve, as well as to provide continuous updates to the PalmGHG calculator. In November 2024, the proposal was approved by the RSPO Standards Standing Committee (SSC), and the GHGWG2 was renamed as the GHG Task Force (GHGTF) under new Terms of Reference. The expanded scope of work under the GHGTF will also cover pilot testing of the PalmGHG Version 5 calculator, socialisation and training, as well as the development of the PalmGHG Version 5 Guidance documents.

The GHGTF is structured as an expert advisory group, focusing on technical expertise and practical knowledge to address complex greenhouse gas-related challenges. While the GHGTF includes representation from various stakeholders, including NGOs, its composition leans towards members with experience in plantation operations to ensure actionable insights and relevant industry perspectives. The GHGTF may also invite relevant and independent experts to participate in discussions or provide input in related to GHG, further enhancing the breadth and depth of its expertise. This setup enables the GHGTF to effectively meet its objectives and provide valuable guidance.


Category  Sector  Organisation  Substantive member Alternate member
Growers Grower  IOI Corporation Berhad William Siow (Chair)
Grower  SD Guthrie Berhad Elaine Chan 
Grower  Golden Agri-Resources Ltd Rifki Noor  Goetz Martin 
Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders Processors and/or Traders  Permata Group Pte. Ltd. Henry Cai 
Processors and/or Traders  Wilmar International Limited Foo Siew Theng  Azizul Rahman
Processors and/or Traders  Musim Mas Pte. Ltd. Hadi Susanto  Derrick Jovannus
Processors and/or Traders IOI Corporation Berhad Lai Wei Shoon  Low Sim Loo 
Processors and/or Traders  BASF SE Lynette Tan  Gregor Pasda
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) Environmental NGO  WWF Muhamad Zaim Azfar Bin Nordin  Ahmad Furqon

RSPO Secretariat

Ashton Lim
Manager, Climate Change (GHG)
Wong Yi Jin
Executive, Climate Change (GHG)

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