Curso en la aplicación de los requisitos de la RSPO para productores
Este curso de cuatro días proporciona a los participantes un conocimiento avanzado de los Principios y Criterios de la RSPO y cómo implementarlos en la práctica. Está diseñado para personal de empresas…

RSPO SCCS Lead Auditors Course (2016) – Malaysia
This is a professional course and has been designed for users of the RSPO Supply Chain Certification (SCC) System. It provides an understanding of the core standard and its application. The course…

RSPO CERTIFICATION: In no uncertain terms! Essential training for the palm oil industry.
Kindly refer to the attachment below to view details of the event.

RSPO SCCS Lead Auditor Training Course 2016 – People’s Republic of China
A 2 day course designed for auditors and all companies in the supply chain; from palm oil mills to retailers; who purchase, process, manufacture and sell products containing palm oil and palm kernel…

RSPO SCC Training – February 2016
To support the drive towards 100% certified sustainable palm oil globally, David Ogg and Partners regularly organizes RSPO SCC trainings. David Ogg and Partners Ltd is offering a 2 day course between 8 –…

Peat Training Workshop
A workshop for oil palm growers on “How to implement RSPO’s Principles and Criteria in relation to peat?” will be held in Hotel Santika, Bogor, Indonesia, from 1st – 2nd December 2015.…

SAVE THE DATE – 4th RSPO Smallholders Linking & Learning Session
The RSPO Smallholder Working Group will be organising the 4th Smallholders Linking & Learning Session, an interactive platform for smallholders to exchange best practices, common issues, challenges and practical solutions to issues…

RSPO GHG Workshop – Compliance and lessons learnt from C5.6 and C7.8.
Draft programme: Time agenda item 9am – 10.30am PalmGHG Tutorial Overview of PalmGHG calculator Calculator walkthrough – data entry and reporting Simplified PalmGHG for use in C7.8 10.30am – 10.50am Tea break…

Field visit to Smallholder Plantation in Krabi, Thailand
RSPO together with GIZ are pleased to announce facilitation of a visit to the 1st three independent smallholder group certified from Thailand. The visit will be held just before the RT13, on…
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