by: Juan Camilo Plazas Ovalle
Ecuador is one of three global pilots for RSPO jurisdictional certification, alongside the state of Sabah in Malaysia and the District of Seruyan in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The initiative began in 2016, following the Sabah State government of Malaysia’s commitment to this approach in 2015, with Ecuador joining the effort in 2017.
The key innovation of this landscape approach is that sustainability issues are addressed at jurisdictions / landscape level rather than solely at the farm or plantation level—shifting the focus from “sustainable products” to “sustainable geographies” defined by jurisdiction or areas bounded by natural borders. This initiative is an integral part of RSPO’s efforts to scale sustainable palm oil production through close engagement with governments, industry players, small farmers, non-governmental organisations (NGO) and communities, planning and managing palm oil production at the jurisdictional level.
JA Pilot in Ecuador: Reaping the Benefits of International Support
Thanks to the progress of this initiative, the Ecuador pilot has partnered with major NGOs like Conservation International, (CI) which has supported the project since its inception.
Last December 2024, Rich Products, one of the most renowned multinational food companies in the United States, made a valuable donation to Conservation International to invest in the Ecuador JA Pilot, underscoring the importance of such initiatives for planetary sustainability.
Sarah Herbst, M.S., Senior Sustainable Sourcing Manager – Global Procurement at Rich Products, stated:
“At Rich Products Company (Rich’s), we prioritise ethical and sustainable ingredient sourcing, ensuring fairness for growers and respect for the environment. By collaborating with our suppliers and engaging in multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the RSPO, in partnership with Conservation International, we are driving progress toward a more sustainable future. Our commitment extends to supporting jurisdictional approaches that promote sustainable landscapes, foster conservation, encourage responsible production practices, and enhance human well-being. We are particularly excited to expand this partnership in Ecuador, a key region for our sourcing efforts.”
Daniel Liew, RSPO Manager of Standard Design and Innovation (Jurisdictional Approach), also commented on the importance of this type of progress and the support received:
“It is a meaningful achievement for the Ecuador pilot as a validation of the hard work that started back in 2016, and provides important momentum for stakeholders to continue striving toward jurisdictional certification in Ecuador. There is a lot of infrastructure that needs to be in place when a jurisdiction applies the jurisdictional approach; HCV-HCS (High Conservation Value – High Conservation Score) mapping and LUCA (Land Use Change Assessment) of the jurisdiction, remediation and compensation of liabilities, and establishing a jurisdictional entity (JE) to manage daily operations.”
Stepwise Approach to Jurisdictional Certification
Given the scale of intervention required for jurisdictional certification and the varying levels of readiness among different actors within a jurisdiction, a stepwise approach is necessary. This approach allows all Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) and palm oil producers, as well as supply chain actors, to enter the system through the Jurisdictional Entity (JE), providing time for the necessary institutional, policy, regulatory, and management changes. The steps include:
- Step 1: Pilot step, when a Jurisdiction determines that they would like to pursue a jurisdictional approach to certification and make public policy statements and/or put in place regulations in support of this objective.
- Step 2: Application step is achieved when a multi-stakeholder board is in place, and a Jurisdictional Entity (JE) is legally established, and various system and landscape indicators are being measured. This step is completed when the JE has successfully applied to the RSPO Membership Unit to become a RSPO member.
- Step 3: Implementation step is when the internal control systems of the JE are well established and requirements for RSPO Certification are being put in place. This step is completed when an independent and accredited Certification Body completes a full audit of the JE for RSPO Certification.
- Step 4: Certification step is the final step in the process, at which point the producers, processors and supply chain actors within the Jurisdiction which have been certificated under the JE may trade RSPO Certified products. Market claims can be made based on the volume in accordance with the latest RSPO Rules on Market Communications and Claims.
“The donation from Rich’s to the Ecuador pilot is therefore a very timely and much-needed boost to ensure that those works continue. It is also a show of confidence, and we hope that it will inspire more support for Ecuador and other JA pilots,” added Daniel.
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