Step 1
Are you an independent smallholder group?
Find out here.
Yes →
Continue to Step 2
Not Sure →
Check if you’re considered a Scheme Smallholder. You are most likely part of a group that is already a RSPO Member. Search RSPO Members here.
No →
Not an Independent Smallholder and not sure which Membership Category is right for you? Find the membership category that fits you best here.
Step 2
Step 3
The RSPO Membership Team will review the documents submitted, conduct due diligence on the applying organisation, and will then send an invoice for first year’s membership via email. The team will also request any additional documentation, if needed.
Annual Membership Fee for SH Group Manager:
Land Size (Ha) / Fees (Euro)
- > 1999 Ha / 2000 Euro
- 1000 Ha – 1999 Ha / 1000 Euro
- < 1000 Ha / 250 Euro
Step 4
After documents have been reviewed and approved as meeting RSPO criteria, the application will be posted on the RSPO website for two weeks for public comments.
Step 5
RSPO Membership Team reviews application and any public comment feedback, approves or rejects the application, receives payment for the first year of membership, sends a confirmation letter to the member via email and the member profile is published on the RSPO website.
ISH Group Extensions
What if my ISH Group decides to extend new members/ plans in the upcoming RSPO audit?
Please submit the update of the new ISH members / plot by filling the RSPO disclosure form template. After completing the form, please send it along with a shapefile for each plot to our Membership Team, Remediation & Compensation Team and GIS Team. It also applies if any group member resigns. Kindly be aware that RSPO will produce the LUCA report based on the accuracy of the data submitted. During the analysis period, Independent Smallholders may be contacted for more information. This process is ideally to be completed prior to being audited by the certification bodies.

Annex 1
Definition of independent smallholders
A smallholder can pursue certification through 2019 RSPO Independent Smallholder (ISH) Standard if:
- The total size of their oil production area is:
- Less than or equal to 50 hectares (ha) if no threshold is defined in a National Interpretation (NI); or
- Less than or equal to the maximum size defined in a NI (e.g. for Indonesia the threshold size is 20 ha or below and for Ecuador it is 75 ha or below).
- They have the enforceable decision-making power of the operation of the land and production practices.
- They have the freedom to choose how they utlise the land, type of crops to plant, and how to manage them (how to organise, manage and finance the land).
- Meet any further criteria relative to the applicability of this standard as provided in the NI of their country.
- They are NOT a scheme smallholder (see ISH 2019).
Smallholders must form a group and assign a manager. For the purpose of admission to RSPO Membership, where the manager is:
- An individual – the smallholder group must register itself as a legal entity before applying for membership.
- An entity – the Group Manager as an entity shall apply for membership.
Annex 2
Documents required for smallholders
- Proof of business registration (e.g., certificate of incorporation, certificate of good standing, articles of incorporation or other similar documents).
- Reporting template for disclosure of areas cleared without prior HCV Assessment since November 2005 (Smallholders). The disclosure form for Independent Smallholders can be downloaded here. Should you have smallholders with land clearance after November 2005 without prior HCV assessment, the LUCA process is compulsory for the smallholders. The process will be conducted by the RSPO and each farmer shall provide:
- Polygon shapefiles
- HCV Assessment Report Dated
- Clear evidence that members of the Smallholders Group have agreed to appoint the applicant to act as their Group Manager, such as official minutes of the meeting (preferred). If the official minutes of the meeting are unavailable, an official letter with the group letterhead is required. The letter states group members agreed to appoint the individual as group manager with an annex of signatures from the members that corresponds to the number of farmers (list of farmers and disclosure).
- A statement by the Group Manager to declare that they will represent the Smallholders Group with integrity and commit to the RSPO Standards.
- A list of all members in the Smallholders Group with their individual land details (size of land and land registration number). This list must be signed by the appointed Group Manager.
- Two names (either company or an individual) as reference for due diligence purposes. The template can be downloaded here.
Photo Credit: RSPO/Jonathan Perugia