Oil Palm Growers Rest of the World

Agroamerica Tropical Oil Holding Corp., represented by the principal Jose Roberto Montenegro Baide and the alternate members being SIPEF Group represented by the alternate Sander Van den EndeUnivanich Palm Oil Public Company Limited represented by the alternate John Clendon and Olam Group Limited represented by the alternate Quentin Meunier the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.


Oil Palm Growers Malaysia

The interim alternate member to the incumbent Board of Governor member Malaysian Palm Oil Association being Surina binti Ismail is up for approval by the General Assembly.


Palm Oil Processors and/or Traders

AAK AB, represented by the principal Tim Stephenson and the alternate member being Cargill Incorporated represented by the alternate Laila Wilfred, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election.


One other nomination was received from Viswaat Chemicals Limited, represented by the principal nominee Ramakant Dubey and the alternate nominee being Jignesh Dave.


Consumer Goods Manufacturers

The Procter & Gamble Company, represented by the principal Lee Kuan-Chun and the alternate member being Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. represented by the alternate Mario Abreu, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.



Retailers’ Palm Oil Group, represented by the principal Julian Walker-Palin and the alternate member being vacant, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.


Environmental/Nature conservation NGOs

WWF International, represented by the principal Kamal Prakash Seth and the alternate member being HUTAN – Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme (KOCP) represented by the alternate Harjinder Kler, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.


Social/Development NGOs

Both ENDS, represented by the principal Paul Wolvekamp and the alternate member being Federasi Serikat Buruh Kehutanan, Perkebunan dan Pertanian Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (Hukatan) represented by the alternate Nursanna Marpaung, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.


The interim alternate member to the incumbent Board of Governor member Forest Peoples Programme being Yayasan Lembaga Penelitian Kaleka Indonesia (Kaleka) represented by the interim alternate Bernadinus Steni Sugiarto is up for approval by the General Assembly.


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