The Remediation and Compensation Procedure (RaCP) requires RSPO members who own and/or manage oil palm plantations (including associated & schemed smallholders, and all other exclusively contracted out growers of fresh fruit bunches) to disclose any land clearance without prior HCV assessment since Nov 2005.
RSPO members who have disclosed such clearance are required to conduct the Land Use Change Analysis (LUCA) in order to calculate the Final Conservation Liability (FCL).
The original deadline to submit the LUCA was on 31st September 2014, which was set during the one year staged implementation period. Both the LUCA deadline and staged implementation period have passed. To date, 22 companies have submitted complete LUCAs, 14 companies have submitted incomplete LUCAs and 16 companies have yet to submit any LUCAs.
The Biodiversity and High Conservation Values Working Group (BHCV WG) has recommended the following actions against LUCA non-submitters:
- Companies which have submitted incomplete LUCAs shall submit the full analysis by 31 December 2015 to the RSPO. Failure to submit the full analysis would result in RSPO treating all land clearance as coefficient 1.0.
- Companies which have not submitted LUCAs shall submit the full analysis by 31 December 2015 to the RSPO. Companies that fail to submit the full analysis by the said deadline will be recommended for complaints.
Below are the list of companies that have submitted incomplete LUCAs to the RSPO:
Company | membership category | country of operation |
First Lamandau Timber Int. | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
Genting Plantations | Oil Palm Growers | Malaysia |
Golden Agri Resources | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
Grupo Jaremer | Oil Palm Growers | Honduras |
Innoprise Plantation Berhad | Oil Palm Growers | Malaysia |
Naturaceites | Oil Palm Growers | Guatemala |
Palmeros del Aguan | Oil Palm Growers | Honduras |
PT Cipta Usaha Sejati | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
PT Gawi Bahandep Sawit Mekar | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
PT Salim Ivomas Tunggal | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
SIAT SA | Oil Palm Growers | Nigeria |
TSH Resources Berhad | Oil Palm Growers | Malaysia |
Twifo Oil Palm Plantation | Oil Palm Growers | Ghana |
Below are the list of companies that have not submitted any LUCAs to the RSPO*:
Company | membership category | country of operation |
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) | Processors and Traders | Brazil |
Agroaceite | Oil Palm Growers | Guatemala |
Agrocaribe | Oil Palm Growers | Guatemala |
Ciecopalma | Processors and Traders | Ecuador |
Dekel Oil | Oil Palm Growers | Côte d'ivoire |
Extractora el Roble | Oil Palm Growers | Colombia |
Global Palm Resources | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
Hacienda la Cabana | Oil Palm Growers | Colombia |
Hondupalma | Oil Palm Growers | Honduras |
IJM Plantations | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
Industrias Ales C.A. | Oil Palm Growers | Honduras |
La Fabril | Oil Palm Growers | Ecuador |
Palmaceite & Aceites S.A. | Oil Palm Growers | Colombia |
PT BW Plantations Tbk | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
PT Dharma Nusantara | Oil Palm Growers | Indonesia |
Santa Rosa | Oil Palm Growers | Guatemala |
Sociedad Industrial Dominicana | Processor and Traders | Republica Dominicana |
*Non-submitters shall refer to the revised procedure when conducting the LUCA and calculating the FCL.
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