The RSPO Secretariat is pleased to announce that the RSPO Standard Standing Committee has endorsed the RSPO Standard Operating Procedure for Standard Setting and Review (2020). This document sets out the procedures and describes the process by which the RSPO standards are developed, reviewed, and endorsed in line with ISEAL's requirements and replaces the previous 2017 version

This document is effective as of 29 July 2020

As a result of the endorsement of the above-mentioned document, there are two (2) key changes that have taken effect, which need to be highlighted.

Clause 9.1.3 mentions the following:

‘Upon revision of the RSPO P&C, the NI shall be developed/revised within twelve months of the adoption of the new standard. Until the newly endorsed NI has come into effect, (during the 1-year transition period) the prevalent standard for auditing will be the existing NI, or the latest applicable P&C while the NI is being developed.’

While we understand that the process of developing/revising the NI may extend beyond the grace period of 1 year, as mentioned in clause 9.1.3 above, the new SOP has set clear timelines for NI development as stated in clause as follows:

‘A TF is formally established to undertake the detailed NI process through written approval by the RSPO Secretariat. ’

With this, we wish to remind all RSPO members who are keen to establish/initiate an NI for their respective countries, that they must notify the Secretariat .

For your kind reference, here is the link to the endorsed ‘Revision of RSPO SOP for Standard Setting and Review 2020’.

For more information or if you require further clarification, please contact

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