
Union Temporal Entrepalmeros

About the group

Number of smallholders: 41 (29 Men, 12 Women)

Total Land Area: 897.53 Ha

Status: Certified

Preserved Area: 248.27 Ha

Group location: Plantación Km. 113 Vía al Mar - Minas, San Martín, Colombia

Country: Colombia

On-going Facilitator: Palmas del Cesar

Status of project: On going


Amidst lush palm trees in the heart of Colombia, a group of dedicated smallholders embarked on a journey of transformation. It all began in 2016, when about 200 of them answered the call to join the Union Temporal Entrepalmeros, a group driven by a shared dream of sustainable palm oil production.

During sunlit days the group delved into rigorous training sessions. They learned the art of agronomic, environmental, and social best practices, aligning themselves with the stringent standards set by RSPO. Guiding them were a group of professionals from Palmas del Cesar S.A., leading by example and conviction.

As farmers, sometimes the land demands more than we think we can give. Organisation and keeping detailed records aren’t always easy, but it’s part of our commitment,” Cora confessed.

As the seasons changed, so did their focus. In 2017, the initial group was carefully pruned down to 100, each one a beacon of hope for a greener future. Infrastructures were strengthened, documentation became meticulous, and agricultural methods were fine-tuned. And then, there was the intricate cartographic study, a dance of precision led by an expert consultant.

We want to do things right, not just for us, but for the future of this land,” shared Cora.

In 2018, the year that followed, a significant milestone was reached. With Safe Work as their ally, they engaged in intensive training on formal labour. This was the turning point, where they grasped the essentials of hiring practices and social security. Collaborating with Safe Work and Cenipalma, they championed the masterplan paving the way for the formalisation of numerous producers. SENA emerged, guiding workers on the safe handling of agrochemicals, impacting the lives of about 80 people.

Then came 2019, a year of monumental progress. The battleground shifted to socio-environmental impact (SEIA) and land use change (LUCA) studies, a project in collaboration with PROFOREST. A select group of 100 producers stepped up to be the change. And as the studies unfurled, a decision was made – to channel all efforts into a final cohort of 41 oil palm farmers, the vanguard of standards implementation.

Before, there were doubts. Now, there’s certainty. We’ve earned certifications that reflect our respect for the environment, and that fills us with pride,” beamed Cora, speaking of their achievements.

Hazardous waste collection campaigns spread across the lands, leaving no stone unturned in San Alberto, Sabana de Torres, Rio Lebrija, Rio Negro, San Martin, La curva, Aguas Blancas, and Candelia. Courses on Safe Work at Heights and comprehensive brigades became the gospel, benefiting both workers and producers alike.

Then, in 2020, as the world grappled with a pandemic, these warriors of sustainability pressed on. Implementation visits were made, every precaution was taken, though courses and training had to be momentarily halted.

And finally, in 2022, after relentless efforts and consultations, the 41 producers stood united under the banner of Union Temporal Entrepalmeros. With this, the path was clear – RSPO membership, calling for the external certification audit through SCS Global Services. This monumental event took place in November, with a successful audit, and with minor findings swiftly addressed within a month.

We are very proud to be pioneers in cultivating sustainable palm oil, with social and environmental responsibility; that’s what sets us apart,” shared Cora.

The Union Temporal Entrepalmeros do not just cultivate palm oil; they sow the seeds of a sustainable future. This isn’t just a tale of certification; it’s a story of hearts dedicated, of hands toiling with purpose, and of a strong community steadfast in their belief that together, they can achieve the extraordinary.

"With every harvest, we sow the seeds of a sustainable future. This commitment isn't just for us, but for the generations that follow, ensuring a legacy of responsible farm management."

Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
897.53 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
41 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
29.27% women in this project

How you can support

This sustainability project benefits not only the palm oil producers but also presents opportunities for those who wish to contribute:
– Support crop management by providing knowledge and resources to optimise agricultural practices.
– Provide support in social aspects, aiding in conflict resolution and strengthening community cohesion.
– Facilitate connection with partners and resources, enabling these palm oil producers to continue their valuable work under sustainable conditions.


Plantación Km. 113 Vía al Mar - Minas, San Martín, Colombia

Representative Contact
Nancy Aparicio | Group Manager | [email protected] | +57 314 3530633


Plantación Km. 113 Vía al Mar - Minas, San Martín, Colombia

Representative Contact

Nancy Aparicio | Group Manager | |


Union Temporal Entrepalmeros

Union Temporal Entrepalmeros

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