
Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm community Enterprise Group

About the group

Number of smallholders: 267 (147 Men, 120 Women)

Total Land Area: 2150.82 Ha

Status: Certified

Group location: 81 Village No. 4, Sinpun Subdistrict, Phra Saeng District, Surat Thani Province 84210

Country: Thailand

On-going Facilitator: S.P.O. Agro Industries Company Limited


“Palm plantation farming is a profession that we are proud to inherit from our ancestors and pass down to our children and grandchildren, bringing relevant knowledge to continually improve the product and earn a living forever.”



Mrs Sukanya Srisubat, the group manager of Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group in the Sinpun subdistrict, Phra Saeng district, Surat Thani province, reported that the group has 267 members (147 males and 120 females). The total area of palm plantations spans 12,110 rai, with none located within protected areas. The group’s average certified productivity is 4.20 tonnes per rai per year, and it has been RSPO-certified since 2015.


According to Sukanya, “The Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group is composed of  smallholders who cultivate palm plantations. Our aim is to train members to become skilled professionals in oil palm cultivation while ensuring economic security and promoting responsible practices that benefit both society and the environment.”


Currently, group members actively engage in ongoing development by exploring new knowledge areas, attending regular meetings, updating farm records, and analysing their income and expenditures to enhance their farms’ sustainability. Their dedication is also evident in their efforts to expand palm plantation areas and welcome new members interested in joining their endeavour.


“We collaborate to consistently enhance our members’ abilities, keeping them up-to-date and enabling them to adopt new knowledge on their farms. We focus on reducing costs, maximising productivity, increasing  income, and promoting well-being. Palm plantation farming is a profession that we are proud to inherit from our ancestors and pass down to our children and grandchildren, bringing relevant knowledge to continually improve the product and earn a living forever” Sukanya said.


Regarding obstacles encountered prior to obtaining certification, the group manager explained, “Eight years ago, the group lacked an understanding of RSPO standards. It remained unclear because it was a new concept, and there was a language barrier. Most members are senior farmers with an average age of over 60. It takes time to change from conventional knowledge to the adaptation of new methods.”


However, after becoming RSPO-certified, the members have been able to  apply their updated knowledge of palm plantation standards more accurately. They collect up-to-date data and analyse soil and palm leaf samples to adjust the application of fertilisers, organise surrounding work areas, and tidy up their farms, which in turn improves the community’s environment. Moreover, the members strive to reduce production costs and maximise yield to achieve a premium price, up to 20 satang above the standard palm price.


When asked about the type of support the group is seeking, Sukanya responded, “The group currently does not require any additional support because SPO Agro Industries Co., Ltd., which is located at 81 Moo 4, Sinpun subdistrict, Phra Saeng district, Surat Thani province, is our main supporter and provides good care to the group.”


Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
2150.82 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
267 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
44.94% women in this project

How you can support



81 Village No. 4, Sinpun Subdistrict, Phra Saeng District, Surat Thani Province 84210

Representative Contact
Jirawan Chimdee | Group Manager | [email protected] | +66 81 728 9577


81 Moo 4, Sinpun Subdistrict, Phra Saeng District, Surat Thani Province

Representative Contact

Mrs. Sukanya Srisubat | Raw Material Purchase Manager +66 81 728 9577 | [email protected] |


Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

Tapi-Ipun Sustainable Oil Palm Community Enterprise Group

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