
KUD Bina Bersama

About the group

Number of smallholders: 180 (162 Men, 18 Women)

Total Land Area: 390 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Desa Bukit Seloka, Long Ikis, Kab. Paser, Kalimantan Timur

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)


Farmers within the Bina Bersama Cooperative are independent oil palm smallholders. The majority of its members are transmigration residents from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), local communities, and migrants from Java and other regions. 

The management of their plantations remains traditional due to limited knowledge of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). Activities such as harvesting, fertilisation, and maintenance are conducted based on the knowledge shared among members who are farmers. The group’s perspective on the importance of sustainability in oil palm farming is pivotal for the future. It aims to stimulate rapid development while ensuring the protection of both nature and its inhabitants. Through the adoption of sustainable plantation practices and improvements in governance spanning from upstream to downstream within the oil palm business ecosystem, farmers can significantly contribute to and impact the enhancement of welfare.

“The anticipated increase in productivity and market access, which is expected to subsequently improve the welfare of the members, serves as the primary motivator  for KUD Bina Bersama to implement sustainable practices in plantation management. Limited knowledge has been a significant barrier for farmers attempting to enhance productivity and market access, states the Group Manager of KUD Bina Bersama. 

However, the Group also acknowledges the future challenges related to sustainable palm oil plantations, which include regulatory changes, market competition, and advances in science – challenges that are inevitable. 

Another significant obstacle identified by the group pertains to the average productivity among members, which varies greatly. This variation is largely influenced by factors such as the availability and high cost of fertilisers, coupled with the decreasing price of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in the field. 

Therefore, without involvement  in the RSPO certification system, farmers could face numerous difficulties in various aspects of their oil palm cultivation. As such, the Group deems it essential to join the RSPO sustainability system to secure market certainty and bolster protection for the planet and its people.

The Group’s expectations upon entering the RSPO sustainability system:

  1. Clear market access for farmers.
  2. Access to training or socialisation on good and sustainable palm oil plantation practices.
  3. Collaboration with stakeholders in the palm oil business ecosystem.
  4. Receipt of RSPO credit for the development of cooperatives, farmers, and workers.

The Bina Bersama Cooperative is receiving assistance from the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) in its journey towards RSPO certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
390 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
180 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
10.00% women in this project

How you can support

The Bina Bersama Cooperative requires financial support for an array of activities that are essential for the certification process, from the initiation phase right through to achieving final certification. This includes training, socialisation, HCV assessments, data collection, mapping, processing of the Cultivation Registration Certificate (STDB) and the Environmental Management Statement (SPPL), capacity building of cooperative management (ICS), and conducting internal and external audits. To realise this programme, the Group will collaborate with the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS), relevant agencies, neighbouring companies, and other stakeholders interested in advancing the status of independent oil palm smallholders.


Desa Bukit Seloka, Long Ikis, Kab. Paser, Kalimantan Timur

Representative Contact
Kanisius | Group Manager | [email protected] | +62 813-1740-6513


Perumahan Duta Pakuan, Jln Danau Toba, Blok E V No.5 RT.05/RW. Tegallega, Kec. Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor

Representative Contact

Novet Charles Akollo | Certification Manager of SPKS 081233860176 | [email protected] |


Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

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