
KSP Karya Mandiri

About the group

Number of smallholders: 151 (131 Men, 20 Women)

Total Land Area: 400 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Jl. Apel Kecil, Kelurahan Tanjung Benanak, Kec. Merlung, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)


Much like typical independent smallholders, the members of KSP Karya Mandiri manage their farms independently, overseeing everything from planting to harvesting. Currently, farm management is conducted in a traditional manner, with limited knowledge. Aside from maintaining their own farms, some members supplement their income by working as labourers on other people’s farms. This is usually done on a piecework or daily wages basis to help support their families. 

According to the Group Manager of KSP Karya Mandiri, the member’s average production ranges from 15 to 21 tonnes per hectare per year. The rise or fall in production is linked to the use of fertiliser. The increasing cost of fertiliser, disproportionate to the present fresh fruit bunches (FFB) price, makes it challenging for most fgroup members to purchase, resulting in decreased palm oil productivity. 

The Group recognises that oil palm plantations continue to receive serious attention from various parties due to issues such as poor plantation management, environmental damage, excessive forest conversion, land conflicts, and human rights violations.. Therefore, sustainable plantation management conforming to standards presents itself as a viable solution to these long-standing issues. For this reason, we view and support such an approach positively.

“We have seen many examples of groups that have achieved RSPO certification. From their experiences and benefits, we are eager and committed to be part of the RSPO certification system to improve the welfare of our members and contribute to saving the earth from destruction and upholding human rights,” the Group Manager of the KSP Karya Mandiri expresses. 

However, we must also be aware that the Group faces many challenges in developing farmers and farmer organisations. They realise that these challenges reflect the pressing demands of our times, urging farmers to progress in various aspects. Therefore, based on these experiences, KSP Karya Mandiri feels it is necessary to participate  institutionally in the RSPO certification system, hoping to reap its benefits presently and in the future. 

The Group Manager of KSP Karya Mandiri outlined some of its members’ expectations in relation to the Group’s intent to join the RSPO sustainability system. These include 1) Enabling KSP Karya Mandiri’s member farmers  to gain market access for selling FFB at competitive prices commensurate with the quality produced, 2) KSP Karya Mandiri to partner with mills in the Group’s area, 3) Provision of training or socialisation on sustainable oil palm plantation practices, and 4) The receipt of RSPO incentives for the development of the cooperative, farmers, and workers.

Currently, the KSP Karya Mandiri group is assisted by the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) in its effort to achieve sustainable palm oil certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
400 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
151 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
13.25% women in this project

How you can support

KSP Karya Mandiri seeks partners willing to provide financial support to realise the Group’s goal of joining the RSPO sustainability system from its commencement to the acquisition of the RSPO certification. The Group has planned several activities, including  training and socialisation activities, identification of HCV areas, data collection and plantation mapping, and fulfilment of other requirements to meet the RSPO independent smallholder standard documents. In carrying out these activities, KSP Karya Mandiri will involve SPKS as a facilitator, the local government through the relevant technical offices, and parties interested in supporting the RSPO certification system.


Jl. Apel Kecil, Kelurahan Tanjung Benanak, Kec. Merlung, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi

Representative Contact
Vincent Haryono | Group Manager | [email protected] | 081274204776


Perumahan Duta Pakuan, Jln Danau Toba, Blok E V No.5 RT.05/RW. Tegallega, Kec. Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor

Representative Contact

Novet Charles Akollo | Certification Manager of SPKS 081233860176 | [email protected] |


Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

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