
Koperasi Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih

About the group

Number of smallholders: 370 (275 Men, 95 Women)

Total Land Area: 566.50 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Kotarih-Hutagaluh Road in Hamlet I, Rubun Dunia Village, Kotarih District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: PT Koompasia Enviro Institute


The Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih Cooperative consists of 370 members who oversee a total plantation area of 566.50 ha, located on the Kotarih-Hutagaluh Road in Hamlet I, Rubun Dunia Village, Kotarih District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province. The current practices of cultivating oil palm among cooperative members are rather concerning, with a number of unsustainable activities still prevalent. For example, they often use chemical pesticides indiscriminately and dispose of hazardous waste (LB3 packaging) carelessly. In addition, the members tend to clear land by burning, a method that poses significant environmental risks. When it comes to oil palm management, the members continue to rely on generational  knowledge, mistakenly believing that high yields can be achieved simply by planting, without the necessary ongoing maintenance and fertilisation.

According to Ronald Pasaribu, the head of the cooperative, he envisions a future where all farmers will possess extensive knowledge about sustainable oil palm cultivation, thus enhancing the productivity of smallholder oil palms. Furthermore, the group is motivated by several driving factors that encourage them to commit to implementing sustainable practices in their plantations. These include receiving added value from RSPO, increased Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) production, certainty of land legality, and the enhancement of members’ knowledge regarding effective and proper oil palm cultivation techniques. Through these improvements, they aim to play an active role in protecting the environment and forests.

Ronald also shared that the group is anticipated to face several significant challenges in the future. These include the difficulty of maintaining cohesion amongst group members and ensuring that farmers adhere to the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C). Additionally, there is a tendency among member farmers to prioritise personal and family benefits without considering the social and environmental impacts. A further challenge is the lack of funding available to cover all stages required for sustainable palm oil certification..

Therefore, the group aspires to join the RSPO sustainability system with the hope that group members can be better organised. They aim for an increase in members’ knowledge concerning environmental and social sustainability and an enhancement of their understanding of oil palm cultivation techniques. Besides that, they seek to boost the productivity and welfare of members while ensuring that environmental sustainability in the vicinity of the cooperative is well maintained. The group also strives to preserve social harmony in the surrounding area,  secure easy access to agricultural materials and equipment, and obtain better FFB prices by selling collectively, thus facilitating more straightforward market access.

Currently, the Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih Cooperative is being assisted by PT Koompasia Enviro Institute in its journey towards RSPO certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
566.50 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
370 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
25.68% women in this project

How you can support

The Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih Cooperative requires funding to support all activities involved in the RSPO certification process. This includes RSPO membership payments, training in Best Management Practices (BMP), and RSPO certification audit costs.


Kotarih-Hutagaluh Road in Hamlet I, Rubun Dunia Village, Kotarih District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra Province

Representative Contact
Ronald Pasaribu | Group Manager | [email protected] | 085289033124


Jl. Setiabudi Pasar III Kompleks De Cluster TC. 35, Tj. Sari, Kec. Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20132

Representative Contact

Ahmat Jani Pasaribu | ICS 081260357333 | [email protected] |


Koperasi Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih

Koperasi Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih

Koperasi Produsen Tani Mitra Mandiri Kotarih

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