
Koperasi Karya Penoon

About the group

Number of smallholders: 325 (300 Men, 25 Women)

Total Land Area: 821.97 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Long Bleh Modang Village, Kembang Janggut District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: PLANB & Kopbun Belayan Sejahtera


Koperasi Karya Penoon comprises 325 members, who collectively own a total plantation area of 821.97 ha located in Long Bleh Modang Village, Kembang Janggut District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province. On average, the production by members of the group reaches 15 tonnes per hectare per year. This increase in yield is attributed to the group having begun receiving training on Best Management Practices (BMP). Through this programme, they receive assistance and training from PlanB. The initiative not only strives to improve plantation management but also aims to facilitate access to the latest technology and knowledge in sustainable oil palm plantation cultivation.  Moreover, it encourages the members to focus on environmental aspects, notably by minimising the use of chemicals in plantation management. 

According to Darwin, the chairman of Koperasi Karya Penoon, the group’s outlook on sustainability in oil palm cultivation hinges on the belief that improved access to training, technology, and information can enhance the productivity and sustainability of its members’ plantations. Darwin also emphasised that market certainty and government policies serve as primary motivators for the group to commit to enhancing plantation management and continuously implementing sustainable practices.

The first challenge lies in raising the awareness and understanding of the group members about the importance of sustainable agricultural practices. Increasing commitment and collaboration among the members to adopt these sustainable practices and comply with RSPO standards can also prove to be a challenge. Darwin highlighted that strong cooperation and effective coordination between all parties involved are essential to achieving common goals when asked about his view on the future challenges he faces as the group manager.

Koperasi Karya Penoon has high hopes of joining the RSPO sustainability system. They believe that this will grant the group wider market access, enhance its reputation, and have a positive impact on environmental and social protection in the group’s area. Additionally, it will provide opportunities for innovation and continuous learning.

Koperasi Karya Penoon is currently receiving assistance from PlanB and Belayan Sejahtera Plantation Cooperative in its journey towards achieving RSPO certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
821.97 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
325 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
7.69% women in this project

How you can support

In implementing the RSPO programme, we seek various types of support that will help us achieve our sustainability goals more effectively. Some of the forms of support we are looking for include:

  1. Technical Support: We require technical assistance to understand and correctly implement the RSPO standards. This encompasses training in sustainable practices, risk management, monitoring and reporting, and using necessary tools and technology.
  2. Financial Support: The implementation of the RSPO programme may require significant financial investments, including for operational changes, monitoring and mapping, and independent certification. Financial support can take the form of grants, low-interest loans, or other incentives.
  3. Access to Information and Resources: We need easy and affordable access to information and resources essential for implementing the RSPO programme. This includes access to guidelines, tools, technologies, and practical guidance needed to comply with the RSPO standards.


Long Bleh Modang Village, Kembang Janggut District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province

Representative Contact
Darwin | Cooperative Supervisor | | 0822-5311-8477


RT 01 Desa Muai, Kec. Kembang Janggut, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

Representative Contact

Puteri Damayanti & Jamaluddin | Certification Officer & Group Manager 0823-7409-9962 | [email protected] |




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