
Koperasi Berkat Bunga Damai

About the group

Number of smallholders: 503 (420 Men, 83 Women)

Total Land Area: 1220 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Dusun Sukajadi Gampong Cot Cirek, Kec. Cok Cirek, Kab. Aceh Utara

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS)


Farmers who are members of the Berkat Bungai Damai Cooperative are independent oil palm cultivators. They include both local inhabitants and transmigrants who have resided in the Cok Cirek District for decades. 

Currently, the Cooperative struggles with limited knowledge of good plantation management practices, which contributes to the suboptimal productivity of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) among the Cooperative’s farmers or members. Another issue affecting their average productivity is the fluctuating production levels, which hinge on the availability and high cost of fertilisers, particularly amidst declining FFB prices in the market.

The Cooperative’s approach to integrating sustainability into oil palm farming is a commendable initiative driven by multiple stakeholders. This direction is imperative as the palm oil sector has been embroiled in natural crises and human rights issues in recent years. Therefore, sustainable governance is crucial for the industry’s future in Indonesia.

The Berkat Bunga Damai Cooperative views the sustainability of the earth and its people, increased productivity, improved market access, and knowledge acquisition in oil palm plantation development  as the key drivers for building a commitment to implementing sustainable practices. However, they also realise that many challenges lie ahead in creating sustainable palm oil.  Regulatory shifts, changes in market players’ guidelines,  advancements in science, and other emerging issues must be addressed. Facing these challenges requires meticulous preparation to ensure the Cooperative’s longevity in an ever-evolving era.

The Group’s expectations of joining the RSPO sustainability system include providing farmers with better market access, competitive FFB prices, knowledge about sustainable oil palm cultivation, RSPO incentives for group development, and assistance from various parties for ongoing collaboration.

Currently, the Berkat Bunga Damai Cooperative is receiving support from the Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) in its endeavour to attain sustainable palm oil certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
1220 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
503 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
16.50% women in this project

How you can support

Berkat Bunga Damai Cooperative needs financial assistance to finance the programmes and activities that support the RSPO certification process. These include training for human resource development, particularly cooperative management; mapping of members’ land; socialisation; processing of the Cultivation Registration Certificate (STDB) and the Environmental Management Statement (SPPL); assessments of social, economic, and environmental impacts; and HCV assessments, among others. In addition, the  qGroup also seeks partnerships with companies willing to commit to purchasing FFB from groups that achieve RSPO certification in the future.


Dusun Sukajadi Gampong Cot Cirek, Kec. Cok Cirek, Kab. Aceh Utara

Representative Contact
Abubakar Ar | Group Manager | [email protected] | +62 853-5865-4850


Perumahan Duta Pakuan, Jln Danau Toba, Blok E V No.5 RT.05/RW. Tegallega, Kec. Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor

Representative Contact

Novet Charles Akollo | Certification Manager of SPKS 081233860176 | [email protected] |


Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS)

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