About the group
Number of smallholders: 229 (198 Men, 31 Women)
Total Land Area: 618.31 Ha
Status: Not Certified
Group location: Jl. Desa Buana Mustika RT008 RW003, Buana Mustika Village, Telaga Antang sub-district, East Kotawaringin District, Central Kalimantan Province.
Country: Indonesia
The Jaya Makmur Farmer Group, comprising 229 members with a total plantation area of 618.31 ha, is located in Buana Mustika Village within the Telaga Antang District of East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. The group’s members have witnessed a transformation in their farming methods, transitioning to sustainable cultivation practices through the adoption of Best Management Practices (BMP) techniques, which were assimilated following comprehensive training. This is particularly evident in member farms that have undertaken replanting initiatives. By utilising certified seeds and implementing appropriate plant spacing strategies, the farms are expected to yield more optimal results. The efficacy of these changes is evidenced by the average production of the group, which now reaches an impressive 24.64 tonnes per hectare annually.
Despite the fact that the majority of the group members still do not fully comprehend the knowledge of sustainable cultivation practices, the group management, with support from the assistance team, is actively engaged in raising awareness about sustainable plantation management. This ongoing outreach aims to increase production yields while simultaneously preserving the environmental quality around the plantation. There is a growing awareness among the members about the adoption of best cultivation practices, including the fulfilment of the legal aspects of cultivation by the current group members.
According to Asngari, the chairman of the Jaya Makmur Farmer Group, implementing sustainable cultivation practices is necessary for the group, where the majority of the members are independent oil palm farmers. These farmers are fully aware of both the positive and negative impacts of their cultivation activities. The potential for material losses due to environmental damage and reduced production significantly affects the income of the member farmers and the quality of the locations where they operate. Furthermore, market demand for certified produce also serves as an additional incentive for group members to improve their sustainable cultivation practices.
The Jaya Makmur Farmer Group employs the intercropping method as part of income diversification, especially on rejuvenated plantation lands. Within the members’ garden plots, various crops are cultivated. These include corn, peanuts, chilli, cassava, and other seasonal crops, all strategically planted to optimise the use of space and resources.
“The challenge for us in the move forward is that the competition among smallholders who currently hold management certificates will make it easier to gain market access and to receive assistance to improve governance and increase yields. This provides an incentive for our group’s future progress,” said Asngari. The group aspires to join the RSPO sustainability system, hopeful that it will bring significant benefits not only to its members but also to the surrounding community. This initiative aims to set a precedent for other planters and groups to adopt sustainable principles in oil palm cultivation.
Currently, the Jaya Makmur Farmer Group is receiving assistance from the JAVLEC Indonesia Foundation in its journey towards obtaining RSPO certification.
Target Project Impact
Total area covered by the project
618.31 Ha
Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
229 Smallholders
Number/percentage of women supported by this project
13.54% women in this project
How you can support
The Jaya Makmur Farmer Group currently needs partners for assistance and funding. The assistance sought aims to enhance the capabilities of smallholder institutions and increase the capacity of members through training on sustainability principles and certification preparation activities leading up to the external audit process. In terms of funding, the goal is to support preparation for sustainable certification, including audit financing and establishing partnerships for a credit sales scheme of the certificates once issued. Asngari has also highlighted that funding will be used for several activities supporting the certification process, such as training and capacity building for smallholders, strengthening of smallholder institutions, preparing institutional legality, mapping and data collection of plantations for STDBB and SPPL, designating High Conservation Value (HCV) areas, improving group management areas (including the creation of waste management facilities and infrastructure), and preparing for internal audits leading to the external audit process.
Representative Contact
Asngari | Head of Farmer Group | | +62 815 2823 1038
Representative Contact
Mukhlis Sai Putra | Facilitator +62 878 3916 1220 | [email protected] | http://www.javlec.org