In June 2019, the first draft of the RSPO Jurisdictional Approach (JA) for Certification framework went through a 60-day public consultation period. During the first round of public consultation, stakeholders requested for the framework to provide more clarity and guidance around the following key topics: 

  1. Jurisdictional Entity (JE) management system: roles of government; JE authority or relationship with producers; efficiency and quality of internal control system; and emphasis of quality of internal auditing.

  2. Assurance model: assurance model that are to be applied at a jurisdictional scale, assessing compliance of RSPO standards on production unit and monitoring progress against specific performance metrics at a landscape/jurisdictional scale.  

  3. Improvement incentive and strategies: types of claims that can be made; and incentives to reward progressive and continuous improvement.

On 17 and 18 September 2019 and 21 and 22 January 2020, respectively, the Jurisdictional Working Group came together to provide further clarity on the above. The second draft of the JA is now available and open for a second round of public consultation. The public consultation period will last for 60-days, starting from 28th February 2020 to 01st May 2020.

You can download the Draft 2 text below: 



Bahasa Indonesia


Bahasa Malaysia

French (TBC)

To provide and submit your feedback on the draft text, please access the online survey HERE

Face-to-face Public Consultations

Face-to-face consultations will be organised in several locations. In these half to full-day workshops we will work through the draft documents, discuss key details in groups, and collect comments. We highly recommend participation from interested stakeholders with experience in jurisdictional/landscape level initiatives. We also highly appreciate the participation of government personnel, non RSPO members, oil palm producers and small farmers (smallholders).  

There is no fee to participate, however, pre-registration is required as spaces are limited. Please refer to the below list of consultations scheduled for registration. Registration will close 5 days before the date of consultation.



Registration Link

16 March 2020

The Sultan Hotel and Residence, Jakarta, Indonesia

Register here

18 March 2020

Grand Kecubung Hotel, Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia

Register here

19 March 2020

Novotel Palembang Hotel, Palembang, Indonesia

Register here

20 March 2020

Hotel Mercure Pontianak City Center, Pontianak, Indonesia

Register here

20 March 2020

Krabi, Thailand

This event is postponed until further notice.
08 April 2020 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Register here

15 April 2020

Kota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Register here

20 April 2020

Freetown, Sierra Leone

Register here

22 April 2020

Monrovia, Liberia

Register here

24 April 2020

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Register here


Quito, Ecuador


For more information, please contact and/or

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