ASI will conduct an RSPO SCCS Witness assessment of DNV GL Business Assurance Zertifizierung und Umweltgutachter GmbH from27.06.2016 to 28.06.2016
The assessment will be at Oleon Sdn. Bhd in , Malaysia
Shikin Rasikon will be the ASI Lead Assessor.
ASI welcomes comments from RSPO Partners, Certification Bodies, members and other interested stakeholders on the performance of DNV GL Business Assurance Zertifizierung und Umweltgutachter GmbH, as an RSPO accredited certification body, and of the certified Company: Oleon Sdn. Bhd.
Please send any comments to Shikin Rasikon at ASI ([email protected]).
Kind Regards,
Shikin Rasikon
Lead Assessor
On behalf of ASI
ASI – Accreditation Services International GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 69
53113 Bonn, Germany
Head Office Phone: +49-228 / 227237-0
Head Office Fax: +49-228 / 227237-30