Update 27 August 2024

The RSPO is aware of the report “In the shadow of the oil palm”, produced by the Christian Initiative Romero (CIR) and the grievances published by Foodwatch and the European Council for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) which implicate several RSPO Members, including NaturAceites, a  Certified Grower Member. We also note the concerns amongst stakeholders along the supply chain.

The RSPO Secretariat assures concerned parties that it has taken the necessary steps to review the allegations stated in these reports, with regard to the quality of the audits and the RSPO assurance process, and that it is working closely with the Members involved to gain a full understanding of the situation. 

The RSPO certification process is one of several systems in place to ensure that RSPO Certified members abide by the standards. To ensure the credibility of the RSPO Standards, independent and third-party auditors play a key role in certification. This means that, in order to prevent a conflict of interest, the allocation or retraction of RSPO certifications is not decided by the RSPO but by an independent Certification Body (CB). The CBs that offer RSPO Certification services are in turn accredited by an independent Assurance Body (AB), Assurance Services International (ASI). This system of independent checks and balances is developed to ensure the certification process remains fair and impartial. At the request of the RSPO Secretariat, ASI has conducted a comprehensive review of the audit reports, identifying areas of concern. 

The CB that conducted the 2023 RSPO audits mentioned in the above reports is no longer accredited to audit against the 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C), following a voluntary reduction of its accreditation scope by the ASI in August 2023. The certificates held by Naturaceites were therefore transferred to another Certification Body, Control Union.  

NaturAceites holds two RSPO P&C certificates; one for the Fray Bartolomé mill and a multi-site certificate covering the Panaxte and Panacte mills. Following audits conducted by Control Union between 22 July and 2 August 2024, Control Union suspended both RSPO P&C certificates. NaturAceites has formally appealed the audit findings with Control Union. The certificates will remain suspended during the appeal process. The suspension period is a maximum of six months from the audit’s closing meeting. NaturAceites holds three supply chain certificates, these remain active which means that while its P&C certificates are suspended NaturAceities may still trade RSPO Certified material that has been produced by another RSPO Certified member. 

To reinstate the certificates, NaturAceites must address all Major Non-Conformities before the suspension period ends. Failure to do so may result in certificate termination, which will require a full recertification process should NaturAceites choose to reapply. 

NaturAceites has expressed to RSPO its continued commitment to transparency and interest in supporting all processes related to the verification of good practices in labour, environmental and social issues as required in the RSPO 2018 P&C. 

The RSPO remains committed to transparency and accountability and the audit reports will be published on the RSPO website once they are available.

The RSPO is continuing to monitor this case closely with the aim of improving its assurance process where necessary and to ensure that oil palm products are being produced in a responsible and sustainable manner in accordance with the RSPO Standards.

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