The RSPO Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Guide 2022 has been endorsed by the RSPO Standard Standing Committee on 16 November 2022. This revised guide, which supersedes the 2015 version, aims to provide a practical approach to FPIC implementation.
FPIC has been a central requirement of the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) since it was adopted in 2005. The requirement of FPIC is designed to ensure that RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil is produced without land conflicts or ‘land grabs’ and prevent associated human rights violations against indigenous peoples, local communities and other users.
The revised guidance seeks to limit gaps in understanding of the FPIC process and improve FPIC implementation, in alignment with the 2018 P&C FPIC requirements. It includes interactive flowcharts to guide users through the FPIC process via a series of questions (pages 22 to 25) for both current operations and new planting and provides recommendations at each stage.
This guide is a result of almost two years of consultations with RSPO Members, civil society organisations, and local communities across Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America who have contributed significantly by sharing their experiences, lessons learned and recommendations.
In summary, the FPIC Guide (2022) will assist RSPO Members to:
- comply with RSPO Standards in relation to the implementation of FPIC
- enhance understanding of the new requirements of the FPIC principles in the 2018 P&C
- be familiar with the structure of the 2018 P&C particularly the requirements relating to community wellbeing and land acquisition
- implement an effective and practical FPIC process with communities affected by the development
- implement FPIC with different interest groups
- mitigate and address potential conflicts during FPIC implementation
- make reference to key international FPIC requirements
- ascertain evidence needed to show verification at each stage of FPIC
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