Nicaragua National Interpretation Public Consultation 2 July 2021 – 1 September 2021
The RSPO National Interpretation (NI) draft of the 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) for Nicaragua has been developed by participatory, multi-stakeholder groups, which include representation from the relevant RSPO membership sectors. The formation of a National Interpretation Working Group (NIWG) for Nicaragua ensures that all required procedures, communications, and actions taken have been properly documented and recorded.
The RSPO Nicaragua National Interpretation (Nicaragua NI) has been drafted through a comprehensive development process, including consultations with relevant stakeholder groups to ensure the NI accurately reflects the nature of the oil palm industry in Nicaragua, particularly, national legislation and customs in the country, whilst maintaining, and in some cases, strengthening the integrity of the RSPO requirements for certification.
We are now calling for comments on the Nicaragua NI draft through a public consultation period of 60 days, from 2 July to 1 September 2021. The draft, available in English and Spanish versions, can be downloaded below.
You are invited to submit your questions, comments, and/or observations on the draft in the comment template below. All comments must be submitted to Maria Duran, focal of Nicaragua NIWG at [email protected] by close of business on 1 September 2021.
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