We are pleased to introduce the “New Planting Procedure 2021 Verification: Checklist for Auditors,” which was endorsed by the Assurance Standing Committee (ASC) on 14 July 2023.

This checklist has been developed to assist Certification Bodies (CBs), specifically Lead Auditors, in conducting verification activities in accordance with the New Planting Procedure (NPP) 2021. It serves as an informative document and aims to provide consistency during the verification of NPP by CBs. The verification sections in this document have also been cross-referenced with the relevant RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) indicators to ensure alignment and compliance during future audits.

Auditors can use this checklist to verify all components of an NPP submission, including the calculation of the new planting area, detailed information extracted from required assessments such as the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA), Integrated HCV-HCS Assessment, Free, Prior, Informed & Consent (FPIC), Land Use Change Analysis (LUCA), as well as the Integrated Management Plan (IMP). This document does not replace any official documents or SOPs developed by the CBs own management system but is recommended to be used for consistency. 

Communication and training sessions will be conducted to familiarise auditors with the checklist and its purpose. More information about these events will be announced soon.

For more information or clarification, please contact us at [email protected].

View document: New Planting Procedure 2021 Verification: Checklist For Auditors

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