The P&G Center for Sustainable Small-owners (CSS) at the Asia School of Business launched its latest publication, “Road to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil: A Guide to Continuous Improvement and Yield Intensification,” a practical guide sharing simple strategies for palm oil smallholder farmers to intensify yields and maintain sustainable practices. The publication is based on the successful implementation of the P&G Smallholder Programme in Johor, Malaysia, in particular the learnings gained in the CSS Yield Intensification Programme.
Building upon the momentum of their previous publication in 2023, this guide addresses the critical need for continuous improvement among independent smallholders in the palm oil industry. The good agricultural practices and approaches presented in the guide have been tried and tested in real life by individual smallholders partnering with the P&G Smallholder Programme in Johor in southern Malaysia. The second largest palm oil producer globally, Malaysia has over 275,000 independent oil palm smallholder farmers, who collectively account for an estimated 17% of total oil palm planted area in the country.
Nur Nazifah Ahmad Rosland, RSPO Manager for Smallholder Programme (Malaysia) said, “This guide fills a crucial gap by offering actionable insights and practical steps for smallholders to continue improving after achieving certification. This guide aligns with the RSPO Smallholder Strategy, which emphasises the sustainable practices of oil palm production that lead to improved livelihoods.”
With the implementation of GAP, CSS recorded an increase in yield of palm fruit by 20% to 25%. Certified farmers have qualified for premiums over USD 90,000 in the past three years, according to Dr. Asad Ata, Director of CSS. “Achieving the RSPO Independent Smallholder Standard certification is a significant milestone for the independent smallholders in Batu Pahat and Pontian districts,” he said. “Maintaining this certification requires an active, ongoing commitment to sustainable sourcing practices. This guide is designed to help smallholders and supporting organisations adopt and implement good agricultural practices, leading to increased yields and sustained certification benefits.”
Key Highlights of the Guide include:
- Research Findings: CSS Research indicates that the targeted yield gain of 20-25% is attainable among independent smallholders for oil palm. Farms that implemented GAP recorded higher yields than check (control) farms.
- Practical Strategies: Identifies good agricultural practices that are practicable for smallholders that are geared towards yield intensification.
- Sustainability Focus: Tools that can help smallholders and groups maintain their RSPO Certification and benefit from eligible premiums.
- Community Impact: Showcases the development of 250 Learning Farms as an initiative for continuous improvement and community empowerment. The farms also help in environmental conservation.
The publication of the guide has been made possible through the continuous support and sponsorship of P&G and Temasek Foundation, whose commitment has been instrumental in scaling up the P&G Smallholder Programme and amplifying its impact on smallholder communities.
To access the publication, click here.

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