Date: 28 September 2020
Time: 03:00 - 04:00pm (GMT +8)
Event Type:
Join us for an engaging webinar on how RSPO Credits can kick-start your sustainable sourcing journey in a cost-effective way and help you to communicate with consumers on the efforts you are making to stop deforestation.
The Book and Claim supply chain model supports the production of RSPO certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) products through the sale of RSPO Credits. It allows RSPO certified mills, crushers, independent outgrowers, and independent smallholder groups to sell RSPO Credits to supply chain actors, while selling the physical palm oil products as non-certified/conventional.
Please join us for an interactive webinar to discuss this further.
Date: 29 September 2020
Time: 03:00 – 04:00pm (GMT +8)
Speaker: Wan Jian
Registration link:
Mandarin version
网络研讨会: RSPO信用可以是可持续的良好开端 (中文)
信用证供应链模式通过销售RSPO信用来支持生产RSPO认证的油棕产品。它允许RSPO认证的工厂, 压榨厂, 独立种植者以及独立小农户团体将RSPO信用销售给供应链末端, 与此同时实际销售的是非认证/传统的油棕产品。 参会者可以了解为什么RSPO信用可以作为可持续采购的开端,它可以作为企业向消费者宣传为停止毁林作出努力的经济可行的一种方式。
日期: 2020年9月29日
时间: 北京时间下午3点至4点
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