RSPO and Pusat Mediasi Nasional (PMN) will be conducted Seminar on Mediation on 5 April 2016 in Swiss-bel Hotel, Palangkaraya – Central Kalimantan.

RSPO has two mechanisms to address complaint cases, namely Complaints System and Dispute Settlement facility. DSF aims to promote the use and the benefit of mediation and/or other third-party facilitation as a means to resolve disputes and conflicts in the palm-oil setting.

The main objective of this Seminar is to allow opportunities to socialise further on RSPO’s DSF, which include:

  1. Understanding what is mediation and its difference with other dispute resolution mechanism;
  2. How and when to refer to a mediation;
  3. Understanding what to expect from a mediation;
  4. Sharing and discussing lesson learnt from a failed and successful mediation.

This events will be designed in the form of an interactive seminar and will be conducted as a “roadshow” to take place in few cities in Indonesia. This Palangkaraya Seminar is the third seminar conducted after Jakarta and Jambi.

We are pleased to inform you that there will be no participation fee for this event. Please confirm your participation to [email protected] by 1 April 2016.

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