The RSPO Secretariat is pleased to invite you to a webinar session on 30th April 2024 from 15.00 to 16.00 CET which is open to all members of the RSPO and other stakeholders.
Moderated by Francesca Morgante, Sr Manager Europe the event will feature the participation of Kimasha Williams, RSPO Communication Manager for Europe, followed by presentations from representatives of the Italian Union on Sustainable Palm Oil, WWF Poland, and SPOC – Sustainable Palm Oil Choice.
This webinar is organised in the context of activities that the European team is carrying out of the SPOD Manifesto framework. Launched in 2022 the SPOD Manifesto aims to engage stakeholders on 4 Call to action that covers Sourcing, Landscape Approaches, Smallholders and Communication. SPOD Manifesto and current endorsers are available here.
This webinar in particular will focus on how Manifesto endorsers have walked the talk and launched important communication campaigns that support certified sustainable palm oil. The event will also offer an overview on how RSPO Members can unleash the power of impacts and data driven communications to enhance their narrative
To register follow this link: