RSPO extends this expression of interest to seek members who are keen to be part of the Standards Revision Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Task Force. The framework for the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation can be found here. This Multi-Stakeholder Consultation is critical for finalising the drafting of RSPO’s revised Principles and Criteria (P&C) and Independent Smallholder Standards.

For the composition of the RSPO Standards Revision Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Task Force, we are seeking the following volunteers:

  • Oil Palm Growers – 14 members including representatives of owners and managers of large plantations and their associations, smallholder growers and their associations. Members will be drawn from Malaysia (3), Indonesia (3), Africa (2), Latin America (2), Rest of the World (1) and Smallholders (3).
  • Processors and/or Traders – 2 members
  • Consumer Goods Manufacturers  – 2 members
  • Retailers – 2 members
  • Financial Institutions  – 2 members
  • Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) – 3 members
  • Social Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) – 3 members

In addition to representatives of the seven sectors, the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation TF shall also include stakeholder representation from the RSPO Accreditation Body (ASI, 2 members) and accredited Certification Bodies (3 members). The Accreditation Body and Certification Bodies shall represent the assurance aspect of the revised Standards, particularly in providing their expert opinion on the clarity and auditability of the criteria and indicators. Representatives from ASI and/or Certification Bodies do not and cannot represent any sector nor participate in any decision making through the entire standard review process.

In the event the volunteers exceed the allocated seats for the sector, the Board of Governers (BoG) would make the final selection.

Each sector is allowed one (1) observer. The observers are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct for the RSPO Standards Review and will have no voting rights. In the event the Representative from the sector is unable to attend the meeting, the ‘Observer’ can be deputized to act as a ‘Representative’ with voting rights only upon the agreement of the members representing the sector.

The process of the RSPO Standards Revision Multi-Stakeholder Consultation is set out in the attached framework. The Multi-Stakeholder Consultation will focus on the indicators where feedback and comments received through the physical and virtual stakeholder consultations held from 5 July to 20 August 2024 indicates divided or divergent opinions, aiming to achieve consensus. 

The deadline for the expression of interest is COB Tuesday, 27 August 2024 (UTC +8).

If you wish to be part of the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Task Force, please send the following details to all the following representatives of the RSPO Secretariat:

●        Yen Hun Sung ([email protected])

●        Leena Ghosh ([email protected])

●        Lydia Tan ([email protected])

Category of RSPO Membership
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Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].

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