As a smallholder RSEP RSEP Smallholder registration Step 1 Status of the group CertifiedNot Certified Contact Person Name Position within the group Contact Email Address Contact Phone Number Alternate Contact Person Name Position within the group Alternate Contact Email Address Alternate Contact Phone Number Group Or Organisation Name of Group/Organisation/Company Full Address Countries Austria Colombia Côte d'Ivoire Ecuador Ghana Honduras Indonesia Malaysia Mexico Peru Thailand Region / State GPS Coordinate Contact Number Website Attachment (Logo) File name: File size: Step 2 Number of smallholders: Men * Number of smallholders: Women * Total Area (In hectarage) (if any) * Preserved Area (In hectarage) (if any) * If certified group, are you selling certified volume as RSPO credit? * YesNo Status Not yet CertifiedHeading for certification Step 3 Is this Project Funded by RSSF? * YesNo Recipient of RSSF for * Certification Audit CostPreparation for Certification projectLivelihood Programme Location of project * Province * Country * Status of the project Step 4 What is the lesson learn environmental or social issues that are encountered by your group members currently and can be addressed through sustainable practices?(Max 250 words) What is the key driver for maintaining sustainable practices in your plantation?(Max 250 words) Do you or anyone in the group practice intercropping as part of income diversification? If yes, what other crops do you plant in your area?(Max 250 words) What is the biggest change in growing certified products? what is the result of complying to the certification standards in the field of sustainability?(Max 250 words) What is the impact of the certification on the socio-economic status of the community around the properties? Does the group have any specific social/ Environmental initiative?(Max 250 words) From your perspective, can you provide us with a personal quote of how achieving RSPO certification helped you/ your family and the smallholder group?(Max 250 words) Do you, as the group manager, foresee any future challenges or forsee challenges for the group. (after gaining RSPO certification)?(Max 250 words) Elaborate the expected outcome of the initiative(Max 250 words) Please describe the average smallholder yield (Indicate in FFB/Ha/year), as much as possible to highlight the comparison before the project starts and after being ceritified.(Max 250 words) What is the current condition or way of cultivating oil palm in the group members?(Max 250 words) What is the group's view of sustainability in oil palm cultivation in the future?(Max 250 words) What were the main drivers for committing to adopting sustainable practices on your plantation?(Max 250 words) Do you or your group members intercrop as part of income diversification? If yes, what crops do you grow in your area?(Max 250 words) Do you, as the group manager, see any future challenges or see any challenges for the group, (before obtaining RSPO certification)?(Max 250 words) Please describe the expected outcomes of the group joining the RSPO sustainability system?(Max 250 words) Please describe the average yield of the current member farmers (Indicate in FFB/Ha/year).(Max 250 words) Do you have facilitators to assist the program? YesNo Name of Facilitator Contact Person from the Facilitator Position of Facilitator in the Group Full Address: No. Telephone: E-mail Website Please attach activity photos (max 10 photos) to accompany the story above, and if we are going to use the photo, who should we give the credit to? 1 Photo Credit 1 Photo Credit Add Row Please insert any link of your oganisation media coverage/ events 1 Title Link Add Row Step 5 Is the smallholder group seeking external partner for? FundingBuying creditImplementing livelihood programCapacity BuildingSupply Chain PartnerCertificationAssessmentsOthers If Funding is selected - Funding for Others What kind of support are you looking for in implementing your group of independent smallholders program? Please describe the type of support required. Is your group looking for partners? Be specific about your requests for external/partner support such as Funding/Credit purchases/Implementation of livelihood programs/Capacity Building/Supply Chain Partners/Certifications/Assessments/Others If the Project seeks additional funds, specify what the funds will be used for Baseline Assessment/Farmer Capacity Building/Social & Environmental Impact Assessment/HCV Assessment/Certification Audit/Mapping/Others This is to acknowledge that the information provided is correct and you will be in touch with a Smallholder Unit Representative via email. * YesNo Validate Email Previous Next Submit