
Yayasan JAVLEC Indonesia


JAVLEC was initiated as a joined network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community-based Organizations (CBOs). In 2006, facilitated by MFP – DFID, JAVLEC was formalized as a non-profit organization working on natural resources management and community empowerment issues. Starting the work in Java, JAVLEC is currently working at national and local levels in several provinces in Indonesia. JAVLEC has been working on palm oil issues since 2017 including assisting smallholders regarding the legality and sustainability practices as well as the government, and multi-stakeholders to strengthen palm oil sustainability in Indonesia.

Our Vision : To become a community that has a strategic role in realizing democracy and the empowerment of civil society towards achieving community welfare through program facilitation, knowledge development, economic empowerment, and policy improvement.

By supporting smallholders in adopting sustainable practices, you are becoming part of the solution to the environmental and social problem

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


- Ministry of Agriculture of The Republic of Indonesia
- Ministry of Forestry and Environment of The Republic of Indonesia
- USAID SEGAR Empowerment of Communities and Smallholders to Support the Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Green - Commodity Supply Chain in Kotawaringin Barat District, Central Kalimantan
- European Forest Institute & Kementerian PPN/Bappenas - Jurisdictional Support for Sustainable Palm Oil in Indonesia
-SPOS Indonesia – Encouraging sustainable management of independent palm oil units in Kotawaringin Timur District, Central Kalimantan
- Government of Central Kalimantan - Facilitating for Regional Action Plan of Sustainable Palm Oil (RAD – KSB) including tenure resolution in Central Kalimantan Province
- Government of Kotawaringin Timur District – Facilitating for District Action Plan of Sustainable Palm Oil (RAD – KSB) and other regulations related to palm oil in Kotawaringin Timur District
- Government of Katingan District – Facilitating for District Action Plan of Sustainable Palm Oil (RAD – KSB) in Katingan District
- Government of Gunung Mas District – Smallholders mapping support for STDB Registration; PT. Swadaya Sapta Putra (MIG Group) – Smallholder support for sustainable palm oil certification

How you can support

We are currently working closely with the certified RSPO Independent Smallholders across provinces in Indonesia to provide a subset of training to improve their lives while their certification is maintained. 210 farmers of KUD Tri Daya have implemented Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and good governance in their groups and are seeking your commitment to buy their RSPO Credits through the PalmTrace platforms. By purchasing the RSPO Credits, you align with your sustainability commitment while supporting smallholders to address environmental and social issues. The activities of Yayasan JAVLEC Indonesia related to sustainable community palm oil plantations involve two levels, namely the grassroots level and the government level. At the grassroots level, the foundation conducts mapping and data collection to identify palm oil farmer organisations that meet RSPO Certification requirements. Subsequently, the foundation provides intensive assistance to these farmer organisations in preparing for RSPO Certification. Additionally, the foundation facilitates various physical needs such as land markers, signboards, B3 waste warehouse buildings, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and others required to meet RSPO smallholder requirements. Furthermore, the foundation facilitates collaboration between farmer organisations and nearby palm oil companies. At the government level, the foundation provides assistance to the district-level data collection and verification team for STD-B (Sustainable Palm Oil District) certification. This is because the relevant government agencies have not fully understood the application and issuance process of STD-B, which is a mandatory requirement for farmers to access government programmes such as rejuvenation and infrastructure facilities from BPDPKS. Additionally, the foundation also facilitates the development of regional action plans for sustainable palm oil plantations at the district level. JAVLEC Foundation Indonesia has made tangible efforts to support farmers in meeting RSPO Standards and facilitating collaboration with palm oil companies. Moreover, the foundation collaborates with the government to address administrative obstacles and improve farmers' access to government programmes. With donor support, the foundation can continue implementing these activities and contribute to the development of sustainable palm oil plantations in Indonesia.


Rohni Sanyoto
Executive Director

Kaliurang Street Km. 13 Banjarsari RT 06 RW 12 Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region.

[email protected]

+62 852 2999 9199


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