
ASOFA (Perkumpulan Asosiasi Fasilitator Daerah)


ASOFA organisation is an Institution or Association of Facilitators which is a professional institution for empowering and assisting farming communities, planters, breeders and fishers or fishermen with an independent system of economic togetherness in Indonesia which was established on 13 February 2017 in Siak, Riau Province. ASOFA is also a capacity building forum for independent oil palm smallholders towards sustainable certification both with the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) scheme, ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil) and ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification).

Vision :
"Become a trusted empowerment and mentoring institution".

Mission :
1. Improving and developing the quality of Human Resources
2. Increase institutional cooperation both at home and abroad in the field of empowering and assisting farming communities, breeders, fisheries.
3. Ensuring customer satisfaction in empowerment and mentoring services.
4. Increase the competitiveness of facilitators.

“Certification is not the end goal of sustainability”

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


- WRI Indonesia
- Fortasbi
- KUD PT. Inti Indosawit subur kebun buatan/Ukui
- Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak (Dinas Pertanian dan UMKM)
- Dinas Perkebunan Riau

How you can support

Currently we are working with the WRI Indonesia Institute regarding the RSPO certification program for independent smallholders in Riau Province - Indonesia. This activity provides assistance and training to farmers with the aim ofimprove the performance of smallholders from the aspects of production, quality, finance and environmental sustainability, increase the bargaining position of palm oil products in the eyes of smallholder stakeholders, prevent environmental and ecosystem damage, improve product and service quality and increase concern for the environment, society and social welfare. In 2023, there are a total of 1,768 farmers out of 3,000 targeted to receive assistance and training through the RSPO certification program/activity. The real form of activities that ASOFA provides is RSPO certification socialisation, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) or Best Management Practices (BMP) training, environmental management aspects, RSPO Principles and Criteria, establishment of ICS, STDB/SPPL assistance, traceability TBS, limited use of pesticides, SOP, RSPO registration, internal and external audits and good governance in farmer groups. ASOFA's commitment to facilitating smallholder organisations to purchase their RSPO Credits through the Palm Trace platform. Furthermore ASOFA offers alignment with sustainability commitments to support smallholders addressing environmental and social issues.


Program Manager

Komplek Perumda Jl. Kandis No 57, Siak Village, Siak Regency, Riau Province

[email protected]



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