
Abler Nordic


Abler Nordic (formerly NMI) was established in 2008 in Oslo, Norway as a partnership between the public sector and private investors. Abler Nordic invests in institutions building financial inclusion in Africa and Asia.

Norfund and IFU, the Norwegian and Danish governmental investment funds for developing countries, represent the Norwegian and Danish States. The private investors are DNB Livsforsikring, Ferd, KLP, Lauritzen Fonden, PBU, Storebrand , TD Veen and Koldingvej 2, Billund A/S.

Abler Nordic is registered with The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway as Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). The Abler Nordic Funds are not subject to supervision from The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.
Abler Nordic currently has offices in Oslo (HQ), Copenhagen, Jakarta, Delhi and Nairobi

Abler Nordic’s overall goal is to strengthen the position of the poor in developing countries by helping to create jobs and prosperity on a sustainable basis.

Building sustainable financial institutions that enable low-income households in developing countries to create a better future

Helping independent smallholders is something very valuable, because independent smallholders with limitations have a strong desire to obtain RSPO certification. The motivation that arises among independent smallholders is to improve the pattern of plantation management so that it can be sustainable in the future

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


Abler Nordic formed an umbrella program in East Kalimantan with a Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP is a collaboration between the Government of Kutai Kartanegara district, PT. REA Kaltim Plantation, PT. Crowde and PT. Plan B As well as the Village Government involved.

How you can support

1. Abler Nordic provides support by increasing knowledge in the form of training to 10 thousand farmers, with a target duration of 10 years, 2. helping farmers to carry out replanting programs with replanting loan funds with a limit of 84,000.00 / ha 3. provide loan funds for Honticulture intercropping planting 4. provide Agro Input Capital loans (fertilizers, herbicides and others) 5. facilitating Certification Program (RSPO, ISPO and ISCC) to all interested cooperatives. 6. Encourage the implementation of Village Planning in all assisted villages. 7. Strengthening farmer institutions (cooperatives, Gapoktan and Associations)


M. Tohirin
Certification Program and Certification

Buenos Aires I-2 No 2, Delatinos, Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang Selatan

[email protected]



Gilang Ramadhan
Program Manager East Kalimantan

[email protected]

+ 47 41515713

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