The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) will hold its 13th General Assembly (GA13) of members on:

Date: 10 November 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 3:00 PM (GMT+7)
Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

In accordance with the RSPO Statutes 2015 (Article 9), RSPO Members are now invited to submit the following: 

  1. Nominations (including self-nominations) of candidates for the RSPO Board of Governors.
  2. Resolutions for the consideration and endorsement by the General Assembly.

The following positions in the Board of Governors are due for election:

  1. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Growers

    • FELDA is retiring and available for re-election.
      Rest of the World
    • Agropalma is retiring and available for re-election.
  2. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Processors and/or Traders
    • AAK AB is retiring and available for re-election.
  3. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Consumer Goods Manufacturers
    • Mondelez International Inc. is retiring and available for re-election.
  4. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Retailers
    • Retailers Palm Oil Group is retiring and available for re-election.
  5. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Banks and Investors
    • Rabobank International is retiring and available for re-election.
  6. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Environmental NGOs
    • WWF International is retiring and available for re-election.
  7. Ordinary Membership – Sector: Social NGOs
    • Both ENDS is retiring and available for re-election./li>

RSPO Ordinary Members are hereby invited to nominate themselves or any other candidate for the upcoming election of the RSPO Board of Governors (BoG) for the seats stated above. Only RSPO Ordinary Members are eligible as candidates for the BoG position to represent their respective membership sector.

The BoG is responsible for the general management of the RPSO in collaboration with the RSPO Chief Executive Officer. The BoG will work together with the Secretariat staff to discuss the activities of the association and to guard quality and financial viability. Elected BoG members must prepare to dedicate required time and resources to the RSPO.

Nominations submitted must contain the following:

  1. Name of organization, membership sector, membership number, name of nominee, position in the organisation and contact details.
  2. Nominee profile/bio data and company/organisation profile (maximum one A4 page)

Please send your nominations to the RSPO Secretariat either by email ([email protected]) or fax (+603 2302 1542).

All nominations must reach the RSPO Secretariat no later than 1700 hour (GMT+8), 23 September 2016 (Friday). Please note that a strict policy will be enforced and late nominations WILL NOT be entertained.
In accordance with the RPSO Statutes 2015, this call also extends to resolutions for consideration by the GA. In order for the GA to meaningfully deliberate and decide on resolutions, these submissions must meet with the requirements stipulated to facilitate proper consideration of resolutions within a fixed time frame.

Resolutions must contain the following:

  1. Title of resolution and sponsor/proponent (i.e. RSPO Member)
  2. Summary or background of resolution (maximum one A4 page)
  3. Information and/or contact to obtain full details of resolution

Guidance – the contents of the proposed resolution should not be in conflict with the RSPO Statutes 2015, Anti-Trust Principles or require changes to the Principles and Criteria (P&C). Resolutions should be worded in a manner that allows for a clear ‘For’ or ‘Against’ vote and should not contain multiple options.

Please send your resolution(s) to the RSPO Secretariat either by post, fax (+603 2302 1542) or email ([email protected]). All submission of the resolutions must reach the RSPO Secretariat no later than 1700 hour (GMT+8), 23 September 2016 (Friday). Please note that a strict policy will be enforced and late submissions WILL NOT be entertained. 
We encourage all Ordinary Members to register your attendance for GA13. 

Online registration to attend GA13 and e-voting will open on 7 October 2016. We would also like to take this opportunity to kindly remind you to settle any outstanding membership fees.

A formal Notice of General Assembly along with the proxy form (for those who are unable to attend and not registering for e-voting) will be sent to members of RSPO at least 21 days before the GA.

The draft minutes of GA12 may be viewed or downloaded at

For further information, kindly contact the RSPO Secretariat at +603 2302 1500 or email us at [email protected].



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