The reporting for the RSPO Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP) 2022 has now been finalised, following the completion of the Late Submission period.

The combined official and late submissions from RSPO Members have hit a new record high, reaching 95.9% for the first time. This reporting cycle also saw a 100% submission rate for retailers, environmental NGOs, and social NGOs, as well as a record low for membership sanctions imposed.

Sanctions have come into effect as of 12 July 2023, when Membership and Certification teams have updated their respective statuses. The final list of members who have had their RSPO membership terminated, suspended or have received first-time warnings as a result of non-submission to the ACOP has been published on the RSPO website.

ACOP 2022 early analysis

Preliminary ACOP analysis indicates growth in both the production and consumption of certified sustainable palm products, despite a challenging economic and inflationary environment in 2022.

The ACOP 2022 data will be used to update the RSPO Shared Responsibility Scorecard in September 2023. Analysis of ACOP 2022 data on supply and consumption trends will be published in the RSPO Impact Update scheduled for publication in October 2023, following analysis of ACOP 2021 data in the 2022 Impact Report.

Once again, the RSPO Secretariat wishes to extend its gratitude to all RSPO members for achieving an all-time record submission rate. Robust submissions enable RSPO to better understand and report on market dynamics, identify issues to assist members, and provide transparency on RSPO’s vision to make palm oil sustainable.

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