We invite you to express your interest in joining the Supply Chain Certification (SCC) Standard Review Task Force or participating as an Observer.

We are seeking members from all sectors and geographical regions of RSPO to form the Task Force. The objective is to assess, update, and revise the RSPO SCC Standard 2020 document as determined by the review process.

Task Force Members

The SCC Standard Review Task Force may consist of representatives from the seven (7) Ordinary RSPO Membership sectors. The following sectors will be represented in the Task Force, with the specified maximum number of seats:

SectorMaximum Number of Seats
Palm Oil Growers (including Smallholders)4
Processors & Traders4
Consumer Goods Manufacturers and Retailers4
Environmental or Nature Conservation Organisations; Social or Developmental Organisations6
Banks and Investors2


We are also seeking participants from the following stakeholder groups for the role of Observers. These may include RSPO-accredited Certification Bodies, RSPO Affiliate and RSPO Supply Chain Associate Members, and other voluntary sustainability schemes.

SectorMaximum Number of Seats
RSPO Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) – ideally representing Europe, North America, Asia, and the Rest of the World (ROW)4
RSPO Affiliate Members; RSPO Supply Chain Associates; RSPO Supply Chain Group Managers3
Other Voluntary Sustainability Schemes*3

* *Members of the ISEAL Alliance with similar chain of custody standards.

For more details, please refer to the Terms of Reference.

The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is by close of business (COB) on 13 April 2025.

Please note that a virtual kick-off meeting for the SCCS Review Task Force will take place at the end of April 2025. Depending on your availability, we shall schedule a time and date.

If you wish to be part of the SCC Standard Review, please register here.

For any questions, please contact Maria Papadopoulou and Liyana Zulkipli at [email protected].

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