Venue: Virtual

Date: 25 November 2020

Time: 8:00 PM (GMT+8)



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Notice is hereby given that due to the exceptional circumstances caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 17th General Assembly (GA17) of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) members will be held virtually on Wednesday, 25 November 2020, at 8:00 PM (MYT) for the following purposes:

  1. To receive and adopt the Treasurer’s Report and the RSPO’s financial statement for the year ended 30 June 2020.
  2. To vote for the following resolutions:

    Resolution GA17-2a:

    To accept the resignation of PricewaterhouseCoopers and to approve the appointment of Ernst and Young as the new auditors of RSPO.

    View Resolution GA17-2a

    Resolution GA17-2b:

    Resolution to amend the RSPO Statutes to formalise the new voting format, virtual General Assembly and other general amendments.

    View Resolution GA17-2b

  3. To elect the Board of Governors (BoG) for the following seats:
    1. Oil Palm Growers:

      Rest of the World
      Agrocaribe, represented by the principal Jose Roberto Montenegro Baide and the alternates Sander van den Ende (SIPEF Group), Audrey Lee Mei Fong (Olam International Limited) and John Clendon (Univanich Palm Oil Public Company Limited), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.

      FELDA, represented by the principal Amir Hamdan Bin Yusof and the alternate Razuwan Bin Che Rose (FELDA), the two-year term of which is expiring is not available for re-election.

      No election will be held for this seat as there were no nominations received.

    2. Processors and/or Traders:

      AAK AB, represented by the principal Tim Stephenson and the alternate Caroline Westerik-Sikking (AAK AB), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.

    3. Consumer Goods Manufacturers:

      The Procter & Gamble Company, represented by the principal Kuan-Chun Lee and the interim alternate Olivier Charrier (Ferrero Trading Lux S.A.), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election.

      One other nomination was received from FMF Foods Limited, represented by the principal Daventi Naidu and the alternate Priya Puja Prasad (FMF Foods Limited).

    4. Retailers:

      Retailers’ Palm Oil Group, represented by the principal Julian Walker-Palin and the alternate Hugo Byrnes (Royal Ahold Delhaize NV), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.

    5. Banks and Investors:

      Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., represented by the principal Geraldine Lim and the alternate Martin Van Vaals (Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.

    6. Environmental NGOs:

      WWF International, represented by the principal Michael Guindon and the alternate Harjinder Kler (HUTAN Kinabatangan Orang-utan Conservation Programme), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.

      The interim alternate Eleanor Spencer (Zoological Society of London (ZSL)) to the incumbent principal member Anne Rosenbarger (World Resources Institute) is up for approval by the General Assembly.

    7. Social NGOs:

      Both ENDS, represented by the principal Paul Wolvekamp and the alternate Nursanna Marpaung (Federasi Serikat Buruh Kehutanan, Perkebunan dan Pertanian Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (Hukatan)), the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.


    All Board of Governors seats must be voted on, including seats that have a single nomination. Only members in the relevant sectors or sub-sectors are eligible to vote in the Board of Governors elections.



Dato’ Carl Bek-Nielsen

Co-Chair, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
2 November 2020





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