Venue: Hotel Mulia Senayan Jakarta, Indonesia

Date: 22 November 2023

Time: 7:30 PM (GMT+7)



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Notice is hereby given that the 20th General Assembly (GA20) of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) members will be held at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia and virtually on Wednesday, 22 November 2023, at 7:30 PM (GMT+7) for the following purposes:

  1. To receive and adopt the Treasurer’s Report and the RSPO’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023.
  2. To vote for the following resolutions:
    Resolution GA20-2a: To confirm the appointment of Ernst and Young as the auditors of the RSPO for the financial year ending 30 June 2024.Resolution GA20-2b: Creating a RSPO Membership Category to further the development of RSPO Jurisdictional Approach for Certification.
    View Resolution GA20-2b
  3. To elect Board of the Governors for the following seats.
    1. Oil Palm Growers:
      • Malaysia
        Malaysian Palm Oil Association, represented by the principal Ku Kok Peng and the alternate being Surina Ismail, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.
      • Indonesia
        Golden Agri-Resources Ltd, represented by the principal Anita Neville and the alternate member being PT. Inti Indosawit Subur represented by the alternate Mohamad Fadhil Hassan, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.
      • Smallholders
        Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Amanah, represented by the principal Narno Sayoto Irontiko and the alternate member being Gapoktan Tanjung Sehati represented by the alternate Rukaiyah Rafik, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.
    2. Processors and/or Traders
      Wilmar International Limited, represented by the principal Daphne Astrid Hameeteman and the alternate member being Musim Mas Holdings Pte. Ltd. represented by the alternate Olivier Tichit the two-year term of which is expiring is not available for re-election.Two nominations were received as follows.
      Musim Mas Holdings Pte. Ltd. represented by the principal nominee Olivier Tichit and the alternate member Godrej Industries Limited represented by alternate nominee being Sougata Niyogi.Galaxy Surfactants Ltd represented by the principal nominee Harshal Thakare and the alternate nominee being Pankaj Narvekar.
    3. Consumer Goods Manufacturers
      UNILEVER PLC, represented by the principal Martin Huxtable and the alternate member being vacant, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.
    4. Banks and Investors
      The interim principal of the incumbent Board of Governor member Standard Chartered Bank being Lee Jwee Tat and interim alternate being Imogen Jamie is up for approval by the General Assembly.
    5. Environmental or Nature Conservation Organisations (ENGO) World Resources Institute (WRI), represented by the principal Anne Rosenbarger and the alternate member being Zoological Society of London represented by the alternate Eleanor Spencer, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. There were no other nominations received.
    6. Social or Development Organisations (SNGO) Forest Peoples Programme, represented by the principal Marcus Colchester and the alternate member being Yayasan Lembaga Penelitian Kaleka Indonesia (Kaleka) represented by the alternate Bernadinus Steni Sugiarto, the two-year term of which is expiring is available for re-election. No other nominations have been received.

There was no nomination received for the Retailer and Banks and Investors Board of Governors vacant seats.

All Board of Governors seats must be voted on including seats that have a single nomination. Only members in the relevant sectors or sub-sectors are eligible to vote in the Board of Governors elections.

Anne Rosenbarger
Co-Chair, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
25 October 2023




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