Innovation Award




Project title:  Empowering Excellence: Elevating Small-scale Producers in Aceh and North Sumatera

In 2023, Indonesia reinforced its position as the world’s largest palm oil exporter, producing 47 million tons. Despite its economic significance, the sector faces challenges, such as inadequate training in sustainable practices and barriers to certification, especially in Aceh and North Sumatra. With 500,000 smallholder households dependent on palm oil, implementing initiatives to promote sustainability and compliance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is crucial.

Since 2021, KOLTIVA has tackled these challenges by mapping, training, and facilitating RSPO certifications for producers in these regions. Key achievements include training 8,185 palm oil producers, completing over 11,135 coaching sessions, and surveying 31,430 farm plots while verifying 11,06 hectares of land. Additionally, 520 producers are set to achieve RSPO certification by 2024. This comprehensive approach empowers smallholders, enhances productivity, and fosters sustainable practices, ultimately driving long-term resilience and market access.

Sawit Sumbermas Sarana

Project title: APKSM Mobile

An innovation that we created to “Accelerate the Organizational Development System and Traceability”. We initiated this program because of the growth of organizational members which has increased every year. This makes monitoring of oil palm plantation operational activities more complex. Therefore, we developed APKSM Mobile which is intended for all members who have registered, verified and have account access. The core of APKSM Mobile includes the “Independent Smallholders Notebook” which functions as a medium for recording plantation operations and Internal Audit as a means of implementing internal audits in the field to samples of oil palm farmers. This APKSM Mobile has a positive impact and convenience for independent smallholders regarding the recording of plantation operations and it is hoped that it can be transmitted to TBS independent smallholders throughout Indonesia. We expect certification not only as a pioneer but also can persuade other ISH organizations to develop this same system to support the certification scheme.

World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) – Winners

Project title:  PalmOil Scan: Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping in the Palm of your Hands

PalmOil Scan is a groundbreaking mobile app developed by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) in partnership with global leading zoos around the world, Auckland Zoo, Chester Zoo, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, and Zoos South Australia. This user-friendly app empowers consumers to contribute to wildlife conservation through informed purchasing decisions, making it easier to choose products made by companies committed to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). By leveraging consumer power, PalmOil Scan aims to drive a shift towards more sustainable palm oil production, ultimately protecting wildlife habitats and biodiversity – the core mission of leading zoos and aquariums worldwide.

Conservation Leadership Award



Hacienda la Cabaña S.A – Winners

Project title: Los Clavelitos Conservation and Protection Project

Located in Colombia in the municipality of Ubalá, this project encompasses 403 hectares of Andean forest, an area of significant ecological importance due to its water sources that supply two basins of 370.200 Ha and its rich biodiversity. This is a collaborative effort between nine palm oil companies, cultivating 25,218 hectares, and two strategic allies. The project is registered as a Civil Society Natural Reserve with the Colombian government (National Natural Parks).

The initiative is integrated with the local community, government entities, universities, and NGOs. Strategies are being implemented based on baseline studies for the restoration of degraded areas, conservation of epiphytes, phenological study of native species, and monitoring of fauna and flora, among other activities. The objectives are to expand the conservation area and to ensure that the companies involved have a net positive impact, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future. Because above all, everyone must benefit.


Project title: BIAN PROJECT (Environmental Conservation and Community Development)

Lake Bian’s freshwater swamp ecosystem supports abundant biodiversity, including a number of rare and endemic species. The balance of this ecosystem is important for maintaining environmental resilience and the survival of various living things. The forest fires that occurred in the past, the massive development of industries around the area, and climate change are factors of threat. GIS modeling predicts potential damage will worsen in the future. PT BIA designing collaboration agreement with BBKSDA Papua and local community in management of Lake Bian. 1) Support for institutional strengthening through training in Early Warning Systems for forest fires, Smart Patrol, Biodiversity Modelling (Maxent), and baseline social and biodiversity studies.(Done) 2024. 2)Support for community-based area protection. PT BIA has established Partner Forest Ranger (MMP) groups and Fire Care Community (MPA) in eight villages and conducts patrols using Smart Patrol. (Done 2024). 3) Support for the provision and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure for area security(2024). 4)Support for wildlife conservation through the construction of transit enclosures for wildlife seized during patrols and for wildlife release. (end of 2024) 5) Support for community empowerment through assistance for productive economic activities and capacity building, along with group facilitation(2023-2024). The WABUBI wildlife corridor initiative (Wasur Wildlife Sanctuary-Bupul Nature Reserve-Lake Bian Wildlife Sanctuary), this initiative overlaps with the 6 villages of PT BIA’s assistance plan on the south side of BIAN SM (Boha, Muting, Pachas, Kolam, Waan and Selow). From these projects the score of METT has been increased from 52 to 68. the local community involved in the incentive conservation cover (65 household economic, Reducing the stunting rate from 22 to 3, increasing the literacy for 65%). PT BIA conducts annual public consultations (voluntary) as part of its commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement 2022,2023 and 2024.

Sawit Sumbermas Sarana

Project title: Collaboration to develop conservation management of oil palm plantations through orangutan release

Sustainable palm oil policy makes environmental improvement efforts carried out by palm oil companies, especially PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, Tbk. Through the initiation of sustainable palm oil management collaboration, PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk collaborates with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) for orangutan conservation through the orangutan pre-release project on Salat Island. More than 2,000 Ha of area is managed by PT. SSMS in collaboration with BOSF for orangutan pre-release. This project is an obligation of PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, Tbk as a member of the RSPO in carrying out the Remediation and Compensation Plan (RaCP) obligations. Until now, 42 orangutans have been in the Salat Island project. Activities carried out include feeding orangutans, observation through data collection on the suitability of orangutans to be released into the national park. In addition, PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, Tbk initiated collaboration with the Village through the Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) to provide orangutan food, this initiative has a positive impact especially on the socio-economic impact in the Village. Where there is an increase in community behavior to plant types of orangutan food and there are alternative livelihoods through selling fruit to the Salat Island project.

Smallholder Impact Award



Gabungan Asosiasi Pekebun Sawit Inisiasi Musim Mas (GAPSIMA)

Project title: Musim Mas’ Efforts to Empower Smallholders and Build Capacity

Musim Mas has been a pioneer for smallholder training since the launch of the Group’s Smallholder Program in 2015 with the International Finance Corporation. We have since gone on to establish smallholder associations that can scale, raise their own funding for long-term sustainability, and promote smallholder-ownership. These associations are grouped under Gabungan Asosiasi Pekebun Sawit Inisiasi Musim Mas (GAPSIMA).  Since its launch in 2019, GAPSIMA has expanded to include 6 constituent smallholder associations with over 4500 RSPO-certified smallholders, covering a land area of over 11,100 hectares.

Musim Mas has now expanded its focus to include more initiatives beyond Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). We support smallholder livelihoods, and we go beyond to deliver positive environmental impacts. This includes Women’s smallholder programs, youth programs, Composting and business units to support it, and Regenerative Agriculture and Agroforestry.

Koperasi Pemasaran Perkasa Nalo Tantan

Project title: Success Story: The Journey of the Koperasi Pemasaran Perkasa Nalo Tantan with Wilmar in Improving the Welfare of Palm Oil Independent Smallholders in Merangin Regency, Jambi Province

The success Journey of KPNT Cooperative is reflected in the increasing number of independent smallholders as cooperative members, the area of land managed, and the certifications that have been achieved such as ISPO and RSPO. KPNT has also succeeded in delivering farmers’ children to continue their higher education in various leading institutions, which is expected to create a young generation who are skilled and ready to face challenges in the oil palm plantation sector. This success not only contributes to improving the economic welfare of cooperative members.

Sustainable Palm Oil Production (ThaChana-Chaiya) Community Enterprise – Winners

Project title: Tha Chana-Chaiya and Integrated High-value Oleochemical Research Center

The Sustainable Palm Oil Production (ThaChana-Chaiya) Community Enterprise is a group of farmers who cultivate oil palm sustainably according to RSPO standards. It is located at 199/2  Moo 10, Prasong Sub-district, Tha Chana District, Surat Thani Province. The group began its operations on November 8, 2018, with a total of 154 members. It was officially registered as a community enterprise for Sustainable Palm Oil Production (ThaChana-Chaiya) on December 11, 2018.The group operates under its own management structure, with decision-making processes regarding all related activities carried out through the group’s manager, Mr. Kwanchai Petchna. They have developed and implemented an operational plan, and regularly monitor and review activities. The group has partnered with the Integrated High-value Oleochemical Research Center at Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, for continuous development.

Communicating for Good Award



Ferrero Trading Luxembourg S.A and Chester Zoo – Winners

Project title: Chester Zoo x Ferrero Partnership: Working together to drive awareness, education and change

Chester Zoo and Ferrero share a commitment to address the lack of awareness and persistent confusion about palm oil amongst consumers in the UK. Our partnership focuses on raising awareness for sustainable palm oil and RSPO and dispelling myths and misperceptions through three key pillars:

  1. Grassroots community engagement through Chester Zoo’s Sustainable Palm Oil Communities project, which helps to inspire cities and towns to follow in Chester’s footsteps in achieving SPO community status;
  2. Inspiring future generations through a national education programme, which engages teachers and primary school students on the importance of SPO as part of environmental stewardship; and
  3. Raising our collective voice through social marketing, media partnerships, events and other direct stakeholder engagement.

We continue to actively collaborate with NGOs, key stakeholders and suppliers to have a long-lasting and positive impact on the palm oil industry.

Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union

Project title: Expanding the impact on co-op members (consumers) through CO・OP Brand Products with RSPO certification marks

In general, palm oil itself is not yet well known in Japan. The main reason is that it is not used in home cooking and not sold in supermarkets. Under such circumstances, JCCU, as a retailer, has been playing a major role in connecting RSPO and co-op members (consumers) through CO・OP Brand Products with RSPO certification mark, CO・OP Ethical awareness activities using videos(SNS) and leaflets, and CO・OP Detergent Environmental donation campaign. As of January 2024, 50 CO・OP Brand Products with RSPO certification mark are available, and approximately 42 million pcs were sold in 2023, which has had a great impact on the Co-op members(consumers). By 2030, JCCU will further expand its impact with an ambitious goal of 100 items of CO・OP Brand Products with RSPO certification mark and annual sales of 100 million pcs.

The KTC Group

Project title: People, Planet, Palm

KTC has been instrumental in changing perceptions of palm oil through its People, Planet, Palm campaign.

Via trade, national and international PR campaigns, social media, podcasts, conferences, dedicated educational webinars and customer events on palm oil sustainability and EUDR, KTC has led industry conversations and supported them with real action:

  • Switching to 100% RSPO-certified sustainable segregated palm oil across all products.
  • Signing the Sustainable Palm Oil Manifesto.
  • Launching the world’s first overtly pro-palm oil brand with RSPO-certified sustainable segregated palm oil.

KTC has also collaborated with partners, including the RSPO, Efeca, Daabon and Judith Murdoch Associates on comms and product development, creating a united front to change perceptions of palm oil for good.

Under the People, Planet, Palm campaign, KTC has generated dozens of pieces of coverage in trade, national and international media, positively influencing the conversation around palm oil and the RSPO across the UK and beyond.

Shared Responsibility Award



Marks & Spencer

M&S, an RSPO member for 18 years now has actively engaged with the RSPO by integrating sustainable palm oil practices into its supply chain. M&S operationalised these commitments by ensuring that all palm oil used in M&S  products is certified by the RSPO, within its robust Palm Oil Policy. This includes working closely with suppliers to meet our stringent sustainability standards and regularly auditing our supply chain to ensure compliance, to ultimately ensure we are prohibiting deforestation and conversion, and respecting human rights regulations.

Aside from sourcing policies, M&S also funds on-the-ground investments in  palm oil producing areas to go beyond certification by partnering with Forever Sabah, supporting the audit and successful RSPO certification of smallholders in Malaysia. This collaborative effort not only safeguards forests but also empowers local smallholder farmers to cultivate palm sustainably, enabling more RSPO certified sustainable palm to come to market. M&S also partnered with Pacos Trust, to deliver workshops to support smallholders in their understanding of human rights and gender issues in their community.


MARIPOSA Programmes

In order to bring customers closer to the sustainability transformation on the ground, Olenex initiated the MARIPOSA crowdfunding initiative. Participation in the MARIPOSA initiative is available for all customers.  MARIPOSAcalls its donor  ‘Friends of sustainable palm oil from Latin America’. The contributors make a difference by helping to develop a fully sustainable palm oil supply chain.

MARIPOSA aims to raise funds to finance sustainability programmes in Latin America and allow the fast-growing palm oil industry to transform into a sustainable agri-business.  MARIPOSA fund has a focus on educating local oil palm growers and processors (mills) on top of sustainability pledges.  The first fully funded program by MARIPOSA started in 2019 in Honduras and was called WISSE following previous projects with Wilmar and partner NES Naturaleza, such as WISSH and WISSCo.

Over five years the Olenex programmes in Latin America impacted:

  • 4,566 smallholders trained in sustainable practices
  • 25 mills impacted in 8 Latin American countries
  • 325 smallholder certifications supported, 171 being RSPO (at the end of 2022, more might have achieved certification by now) and 154 ISCC

    Procter & Gamble – Winners

    Procter & Gamble (P&G), an active RSPO for 13 years,  is committed to the responsible sourcing of the palm oils within our supply chains and driving the adoption of sustainable practices more widely, aligning closely with the RSPO’s Shared Responsibility requirements.P&G work with a diverse range of partners to ensure the responsible production and consumption of palm oils.

    P&G sourcing approach is anchored in three pillars: Sourcing Fundamentals, Compliance Monitoring, and Positive Impact Partnerships & Programs. Those pillars are fully integrated into business and sourcing decisions, enabling all employees whose jobs touch palm derived materials to contribute.

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