
Koperasi Bintang Surya

About the group

Number of smallholders: 571 (521 Men, 50 Women)

Total Land Area: 1523.54 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Long Bleh Haloq Village, within the Kembang Janggut District of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, in East Kalimantan Province.

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: PLANB & Kopbun Belayan Sejahtera


The Bintang Surya Cooperative boasts 571 members and oversees a vast plantation area spanning 1,523.54 ha, located in Long Bleh Haloq Village, within the Kembang Janggut District of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, in East Kalimantan Province. Generally, the average yield produced by the members of the cooperative ranges from 18 to 21 tonnes per hectare annually. This impressive output can be attributed to some members of the Bintang Surya Cooperative having received training in Best Management Practices (BMP). Through this initiative, the cooperative received assistance and training from PlanB, which was aimed at improving the cultivation techniques of its oil palm members. To date, PlanB continues to provide BMP training for all members of the Bintang Surya Cooperative, reinforcing a commitment to sustainable practices.

Wardani, the head of the Bintang Surya Cooperative, stated that a commitment to sustainability in oil palm cultivation is essential for future success. He argued that by preserving and implementing every aspect of sustainability, the cooperative could ensure many positive social, economic, and environmental impacts. To demonstrate this commitment, the group has undertaken three specific initiatives: firstly, increasing production without having to expand into new land; secondly, enhancing their bargaining power within the supply chain; and thirdly, striving for market certainty. These efforts underscore the group’s dedication to sustainable practices and its ambition for a greener future in agriculture.

Wardani explained that the current policy requiring independent smallholders to manage their plantations in line with standards and follow a sustainable palm oil system, such as RSPO and ISPO, presents a major challenge for the group, especially due to market uncertainty. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that there is only one oil palm company in the vicinity of the group’s area, creating a situation where the current price is somewhat monopolised by that company. Wardani also expressed the group’s hope to join the RSPO sustainability system. He believes that through adherence to these standards, the group can make changes in the management of their oil palm plantations, thereby increasing productivity, ensuring environmental sustainability, improving the welfare of members, and securing market certainty.

Currently, the Bintang Surya Cooperative is being assisted by PlanB and the Belayan Sejahtera Plantation Cooperative in their journey towards achieving RSPO certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
1523.54 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
571 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
8.76% women in this project

How you can support

The Bintang Surya Cooperative needs various forms of support, including:

  • Technical assistance to enhance the knowledge and skills of farmers in sustainable agricultural practices. This may include training in environmentally friendly cultivation techniques, effective soil and water management, or the use of organic fertilisers.
  • Access to stable and fair markets. Supporting partnerships with other institutions will help secure consistent sales and favourable prices for farmers.
  • Support from the government and other stakeholders in creating policies that aid sustainable agriculture would greatly benefit us. This could include developing policies that encourage sustainable practices, offer tax incentives, or provide legal protection for farmers.
  • Support in the form of funding for mapping and certification audit costs would also be invaluable.

With support in these areas, we are confident that the Bintang Surya Cooperative can grow and positively impact farmers, the environment, and society at large.


Long Bleh Haloq Village, within the Kembang Janggut District of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, in East Kalimantan Province.

Representative Contact
Wardani | Chairman of the Cooperative | | 0852-5020-5912


RT 01 Desa Muai, Kec. Kembang Janggut, Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

Representative Contact

Puteri Damayanti & Jamaluddin | Certification Officer & Grup Manager KBS 0823-7409-9962 | [email protected] |


Puteri Damayanti

Puteri Damayanti

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