
KUD Sumber Makmur

About the group

Number of smallholders: 82 (64 Men, 18 Women)

Total Land Area: 204 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Jl. Soekarno Hatta, RT.06, Desa Kendarom, Kec. Kuaro, Kab. Paser

Country: Indonesia

On-going Facilitator: Kawal Borneo


KUD Sumber Makmur is one of the groups that has benefitted from the Indonesian government’s oil palm replanting programme through BPDPKS. Through this programme, group members have been guaranteed access to certified seedlings and have followed the ideal spacing for their oil palm replanting. Now, at five years old, these replanted oil palms have begun to bear fruit. Capitalising on the opportunity to improve their oil palm plantation practices from the outset, members of KUD Sumber Makmur have adopted effective oil palm cultivation techniques, including disk-making and fertilisation,  in accordance with the 4T’s framework.

Subhan Arafat, the cooperative’s secretary, elaborated on the group’s perspective regarding the future of sustainable oil palm cultivation.  He noted that there is a growing consumer demand for sustainably produced palm oil, driven by heightened awareness of the associated environmental and social implications. Achieving certification enhances market accessibility and ensures the longevity of palm oil products’ sustainability.

“By meeting sustainable standards, palm oil plantations can access a market that increasingly favours sustainable products. RSPO certification provides confidence to consumers and market players that the palm oil produced comes from socially and environmentally responsible sources,” says Subhan. However, it is important to note that the biggest challenge in sustainability is convincing farmer members to adopt good and correct plantation practices that comply with RSPO standards.

The group holds expectations for joining the RSPO sustainability system, which includes 1) establishing institutions that meet the RSPO’s independent smallholder standards, thereby strengthening cooperative management in managing groups and maintaining the sustainability of oil palm plantation management; 2) adopting sustainable practices in oil palm production can increase productivity and efficiency, which in turn can increase the income levels of farmers and plantation workers. This could then improve the welfare and living conditions of local communities.

Currently, KUD Sumber Makmur is receiving assistance from  Kawal Borneo in their journey towards achieving RSPO certification.

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
204 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
82 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
21.95% women in this project

How you can support

We are currently receiving support from Kawal Borneo for data collection and mapping activities related to STDB logging and oil palm replanting. While Kawal Borneo’s support is invaluable, it only extends to the feasibility stage, which does not require financial resources. Consequently, our group needs financial support and assistance throughout  the RSPO membership registration process and until the Milestone B or full compliance external audit stage. Below is an outline of the activities that require support to achieve certification for the KUD Sumber Makmur group:

  1. HCV assessment and report preparation.
  2. Capacity building through training and socialisation, particularly for the group’s Internal Control System (ICS).
  3. Procurement of office equipment to support the preparation of documents needed in the group certification process.
  4. RSPO membership registration fees.
  5. Procurement of personal protective equipment.
  6. Installation of information and prohibition boards. 
  7. Group operational costs.
  8. RSPO internal and external audit costs.


Jl. Soekarno Hatta, RT.06, Desa Kendarom, Kec. Kuaro, Kab. Paser

Representative Contact
Subhan Arafat | Secretary of KUD Sumber Makmur | [email protected] | 0852 4992 1234


Perum Sambutan Asri, Blok K8, No. 23, Kelurahan Sambutan, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur

Representative Contact

Ali Akhmad | Facilitator 082148893779 | [email protected] |


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