
WWF Indonesia


WWF Indonesia is a national conservation organisation and is part of WWF's global network. WWF started its work in Indonesia since 1962 with research on the Javan rhinoceros in Ujung Kulon. Currently, WWF Indonesia is active in 34 field work areas, in 18 provinces to be precise, from Aceh to Papua. WWF works with the government, private sector, NGOs, civil society groups, and the public at large.

Through our Market Transformation Programme, WWF Indonesia have supported and engaged independent smallholders to work toward sustainability. In 2013, WWF Indonesia succeeded to support independent smallholder groups in Pelalawan, Riau to obtain the first RSPO certification in Indonesia. Since then, WWF Indonesia has facilitated other independent smallholders in West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan toward strengthening their legal status and inclusion in province/regency-wide database, strengthening their capacity in organisational management, best management practices, and good agricultural practices for RSPO certification.

By getting RSPO-certified farmers hope that they could use the benefits to expand their business sustainably including by integrating it to aquaculture and livestock farming

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


WWF Indonesia has been supporting the Central Kalimantan Province’s Department of Agriculture in developing a 2021-2026 Strategic Plan and currently finalising a 2021-2040 Master Plan that focuses on smallholders mapping and capacity development as the government is interested to push all plantations in indonesia to be ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil) certified by 2025. This was followed up collaboratively by the Department of Food Security and Agriculture of Katingan Regency together with WWF Indonesia through an oil palm smallholder plantation and high conservation value (HCV) 5 (livelihood aspects) and 6 (cultural aspects) mapping in Katingan Regency. WWF Indonesia has also been working in the Katingan Regency to improve the food security of communities around major palm oil plantations by building food crops and fishery demonstration plot in cooperation with the Department of Food Security and Agriculture, Field Extension Workers, Department of Health, and Department of Labour and Transmigration of Katingan.

How you can support

WWF Indonesia is inviting actors throughout the palm oil supply chain from retailers, FMCG producers, to traders and other related markets to collaboratively work on one or more landscapes with high concentration of oil palm plantations in Indonesia where WWF Indonesia is working on palm oil projects. The landscapes include: (1) Peusangan-Jambo Aye-Tamiang (Aceh); (2) Tesso Nilo and Bukti Tiga Puluh (Riau); (3) Kapuas Hulu, Sintang, and Melawi (West Kalimantan); (4) Sebangau-Katingan (Central Kalimantan); (5) South Papua. Training, Certification, and Related Assessments Building upon the pioneering work that WWF Indonesia has done towards certifying independent smallholders, you too can financially support the training of smallholder suppliers and their cover audit costs. This will help producers to achieve Identity Preserved or Segregated Supply Chains and help manufacturers and retailers to get connected with the best value for money of their RSPO Credits. The trainings could start from the very beginning to increase the organisational capacity of farmers as a group, association, or cooperative to be administratively and financially sound. We can also target existing farmers organisations to train them on Good Agricultural Practices on land identification, legality, preparation, planting, maintenance fertilisation, pest control, harvest and sale, environmental management, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), and even replanting. Meanwhile, covering the main and surveillance audit cost will help smallholders until they can run on their own using the RSPO Credits as their business unit grows. Beyond that, you can also incentivise smallholders to maintain the practices they implement up to the certification standard through a profit-sharing incentive scheme and purchasing the RSPO Credits with a fair price. RSPO Credits offer alignment with your sustainability commitment while supporting smallholders to address environmental and social issues. Capacity Building WWF has developed an integrated traceability and risk assessment platform called Hamurni that will help companies to follow suit with their NDPE and Conversion free commitments as well as traceability requirements set by several consumer countries such as the EU, UK, and US. This will also mean that fulfilling the traceability and transparency criteria for RSPO and ISPO can be done with more ease. You can support promoting traceability within your supply chain by piloting and eventually integrating this platform with your supply management system. Your support can include assigning a dedicated staff to manage traceability, sharing general information on your supply chain, and collaboratively with WWF Indonesia socialising the platform so third-party suppliers (independent smallholders, agents, Direct Order holders, cooperative/group representatives) could register and conduct transaction through the mobile application and business unit managers can monitor and act upon the risk assessments of those transactions. As a leading conservation organisation, WWF Indonesia will also be able to provide technical assistance in developing the mitigation plan of those legal and environmental risks. Market Engagement WWF Indonesia also collaborates with WWF national offices in demand countries and oil palm businesses and individual consumers within Indonesia itself to promote and develop positive campaigns for smallholder programmes in Indonesia and shift toward consuming Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). CSPO producers such as cooking oil and FMCG manufacturers can support this work by allocating their products to support local food and beverages businesses (i.e. restaurants, caterings) and hospitality industry (i.e. hotels) with increasing demand for CSPO. RSPO members could also support campaigns to increase demand of CSPO compared to non-CSPO among individual consumers like WWF Indonesia’s #BeliYangBaik campaign. Jurisdictional Approach WWF Indonesia works within and beyond the typical supply chain of oil palm production to enhance its sustainability and increase positive impacts toward the ecosystem and communities where plantations are located. Within the supply chain, for RSPO-Certified growers or growers aiming for RSPO certification with land areas that contain or support HCVs but cleared for development after November 2005, WWF Indonesia and partners that it collaborates with for the jurisdictional approach in the provinces or regencies of its landscapes are ready to set up new ecosystem restoration and community development projects with your funding to comply with RSPO’s Remediation and Compensation Procedure. Projects could include tree planting, maintenance, and monitoring along with alternative sustainable livelihoods development such as ecotourism and strengthening food security through local social and medium enterprises development. Beyond your supply chain, you can maximise the triple bottom line of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds as part of RSPOs Shared Responsibility requirements by building upon those set up projects.


Aditya Benyamin
Sustainable Palm Oil Specialist

Graha Simatupang, Tower 2 Unit C Lantai 7. Jalan. TB Simatupang No.11, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12540

[email protected]

+62 85 584 574 05


Angga P Putra
Sustainable Palm Oil Lead

[email protected]


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As a smallholder

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