
Widya Erti Indonesia


Widya Erti Indonesia (WEI) is a foundation dedicated to improving the lives of the rural and marginalised communities through education, social, and economic development. WEI was initiated by World Education Inc. in Indonesia and was established on 29 September 2014, in front of Notary Maria Gunarti, SH., M.Kn. WEI’s vision is to create an educated, empowered, and engaged society in an equal and sustainable social environment. WEI works as an innovative community development organisation with a local approach. Until 2022, more than 4000 independent smallholder farmers have been trained with Good Agricultural Practices and Sustainable Supply Chain Practices, 544 farmers have received RSPO Certification, more than 250 women (independent smallholders farmers’ wife) able to increase their family income through local product development, and more than 150 local facilitators have been trained with ToT to become local resources in Riau, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan.

Through intensive and measurable participatory assistance, Independent Smallholders will be able to have a significant role in a responsible and sustainable palm oil supply chain

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


We work with various stakeholders to help independent smallholders achieve sustainable prosperity. Some of them are the District Government of Indragiri Hulu and Indragiri Hilir, Riau; Unilever; Daemeter Consulting; Meridia; as well as several Palm Oil Mills.

How you can support

WEI works by focusing on behavior change, involvement, and empowerment through direct participation by smallholders in realising sustainable palm oil business practices. One of the other important points is how a farmer association entity can survive and develop in the long term so that the implementation of sustainable palm oil practices can be maintained. Therefore, WEI would like to invite strategic partners who have similar initiatives in realising a responsible and sustainable palm oil industry in various regions in Indonesia. We are willing to work together to conduct GAP training for independent oil palm smallholders with the Farmer Field School approach, develop sustainable commodities and responsible sourcing towards certification, climate change mitigation practices, participatory rural research, and develop local potencies in order to increase alternative income for independent smallholder farmers in Indonesia.


Wiranatha Krisna
Executive Director

Crown Palace Blok D No. 15, Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo No.231, Tebet, South Jakarta

[email protected]



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As an individual

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As a smallholder

Discover how using sustainable farming practices through RSPO Certification can increase your yield and more.

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As an organisation

Reduce negative social and environmental impacts through producing and sourcing certified sustainable palm oil.

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